Why isn't my XFX DD R9 290 Black Edition boosting to 1050mhz?


New member
I received my card yesterday, but its not going to 1050mhz only to 980mhz, why is this? I thought the black editions when up to 1050mhz?

Just looking at the specs again, the memory is ment to boost to 5000mhz, but on the gpu-z its only going to 1250mhz?
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If the retailer shipped you a black edition one it should boost provided it's not going to blow up because of temperatures. Anyway, I think that tweaking it a bit with a tool like Sapphire's TriXX wouldn't harm if you want to boost it manually ;)
If the retailer shipped you a black edition one it should boost provided it's not going to blow up because of temperatures. Anyway, I think that tweaking it a bit with a tool like Sapphire's TriXX wouldn't harm if you want to boost it manually ;)

But surely it should do it itself?
947 Is guaranteed.
1050 in not guaranteed and depends for how long your gpu is stressed for and what is your case cooling.

You can try making your case cooling better or increasing the fan curvature on the gpu
947 Is guaranteed.
1050 in not guaranteed and depends for how long your gpu is stressed for and what is your case cooling.

You can try making your case cooling better or increasing the fan curvature on the gpu

It has never tried to run at 1050, even when I just start stressing it when its nice and cool.
You said, that you have the 280 BE? 1050 is the clock speed for the 290X. The 290 BE has a "boosted" speed of 980. So your card seems fine. But you should be able to give it a little extra without any trouble and without extra cooling.
You said, that you have the 280 BE? 1050 is the clock speed for the 290X. The 290 BE has a "boosted" speed of 980. So your card seems fine. But you should be able to give it a little extra without any trouble and without extra cooling.

Alot of etailers says clock speed 1050? I thought thats why its called the Black Edition.