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  • Wow man keep me posted on that, it sounds cool as fuck haha. A few years ago I almost make a hovercraft with my dad, but money at the time was really tight so it never came to fruition. What do ypu as fella if ya don't mind me asking
    Haha if they mention goku they haven't seen enough anime, there's a prequel to the GITS series too that was pretty good. I have seen the appleseed movies but to nothing more than that, other than a mange I own of it
    Yeah man I totally get what you mean, sometimes they sting the story's out far too long. A toshiro tat is a pretty cool idea, I was reading black but I haven't read it in about 2-3 months now
    I just love the story, an the whole philosophy of it all. I want to eventually get a tachicoma tattooed on me
    Hahaha thanks bud glad you approve, tis hands down my favourite anime of all time
    Hey Chris, crazy like always hehe. Anyway, sorry for the delay on your LEDs. As you know, these are no longer available and I've scavenging around here to get at least 5 LED strips. I've just gotten 5 and I got you a Commander as well. I'm working with our shipping dept to process a manual shipment for you which is a bit tricky since it's not our default process to send things out. Btw, did you ever receive the Platinum light bars yet?
    Technically, yes.. but that's stupid haha, I don't even know why it was set up that way from the beginning. You need LED strips?
    nice case man, haha, posted updates by the way on my project log, should check it out, will post more pics soon as well.
    i am thinking of getting this one as well please could tell me what u think of it or should i go and get a different one and what do u think of it and what gpu u got running with it
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