TTL Talks: Internet Trolls


The Guvnor
Staff member
Seems to be getting worse and worse online recently so I thought I would open this up for debate and also try and explain a little bit into why things are not always as simple as you may think.

lol that thumbnail :'), the build reviews sound like a top idea Guv. also the personal talk vid's would be great to have too, would open up dialog between you and people on here if you open a thread, say a few days before the vid to grab questions or topics for debate.
I do like the more TTL Talks vids, it gives the channel more personality. I would love to see more stuff like that in the future.

I do like the idea of recommended builds, perhaps colour themed or even game themed builds.
I do like the more TTL Talks vids, it gives the channel more personality. I would love to see more stuff like that in the future.

I do like the idea of recommended builds, perhaps colour themed or even game themed builds.

agreed, it does give the channel a touch of personal stuff ;).
Im hoping Ill be able to do that all a lot more in future. Just this whole brand thing is really OTT and getting to me tbh. Maybe Im just tired and need to man up :p

I find your videos and reviews through and right to the point. Your work has been invaluable in expanding my knowledge. Please keep it up, trolls be dammed. Its always the case that people complain more than praise. Hate that about the I-Net right now.

Thank you again!!!


I think you can never please the trolls. Sure you do a lot of Corsair and Asus stuff, but I dont see any problem with that. Especially if some of the other companies dont want to send you review samples. I consider your reviews very informative, especialy the case reviews. As a fan of water cooling I really appreciate that you actually test radiator placement and not just read of the spec sheet.

I think it would be very interesting to have a database where reviewers document who sends them samples and who doesnt. I would show how confident companies are in their products ;)

Anyway don't let the trolls get to you and please keep making videos.
Haters gonna hate.
Unfortunately, that's part and parcel of putting yourself out on the internet. Doesn't make it right obviously, but sad fact is, it's the way it is.

Don't let them get to you dude, keep up the vids as you are doing.
I have not been that much on the forum, in the last year or so.

But you was the person TTL, that got me into PC building one more time. Have been doing some good builds "Whit my skills" but seeing your movies and what people on the forum is doing. It have give me some ideer to my PC building and so on.

But TTL, some people will just be trolls all the time. But keep going, i think your work is awesome and when there is coming a movie from "OC3D" i will always get my coffee and some sweet to see it.

// Kind Regards the Danish Support.
Hey Tom

This is my first ever forum post on OC3D. I just saw your latest video about internet trolls, and felt obligated to back you up.
I have been a viewer of your youtube channel for many years, and I have to say you and your team doing a great job reviewing stuff. I always take your reviews in mind when buying new gear.
Off course there are lots of Asus cards, and a lot of Corsair cases. But it's not like you are holding back the information that you have close bonds to them?
Each and everyone in the OC3D team, and the forum users, do an amazing job testing and reviewing. Just have to say thank you all :)

And for the record. I love popping some popcorn, getting comfy in the sofa and watch hour long video reviews of just about anything. Keep em coming Tom!

Out.... Ding!
i wathced the vid and felt a wee bit annoyed. oc3d has been my favourite for so long that for years its the only channel that i watch and the only forum i visit. i like the videos because the way they are formatted it feels more like a conversation between myself and the boss its just a little one sided. it feels more than just some guy spewing words at a camera and that is flipping awesome for someone like me that has zero ability to speak in public (like raj from big bang theory) so its nice to have that conversation. so for some douche bags to start ranting about nonsense is like getting the squirts after a nice shower. i dont understand how people dont understand that a person can only review things that they are sent or have bought. its not a sign of bias its a sign that other brands fear the brutal honesty that they get from the boss. if i was to upload a video to my yt saying all the reasons not to buy the 900d (present case that i use and mostly love) how many people are going to be influenced by that. 0-2 people. but if for example tom was to be hooked up with the newest inwin space age design case to find that the thing was actually made of razor blades and is likely to cause the users death and make it look like a suicide attempt and then do a 30 min video saying that if you buy this case be prepared to go to the hospital. well if that was the case there would be a butt tonne of people saving their wonga for some other brand. its flipping annoying. on the subject of the void headphones i think they look nice and a hell of a lot better than the vengeance 2000s i had that crumbled off my head mid session.
in closing.
chin up tom. buttheads are buttheads and once you have identified the buttheads then you can ingore then in future
Let's be honest, with the majority of your viewers likely being gamers as well as enthusiasts, Corsair and ASUS tend to produce a lot of products that are being considered by your viewers and therefore products which we will want to see reviews of so I don't get why trolls are saying your biased etc. It's Bull**it because chances are if you DIDN'T review some of those products then people would be crying out for them.

I really started spending more time on this forum and watching your videos for the reason that I DON'T see you or OC3D as biased where I do feel like a lot of the other reviews can be and I stand by that regardless who your sponsors or affiliates are. My opinion is that I still feel you pull out as many negatives as positives about all products and I will continue to support OC3D.

Anyway TTL

Screw the trolls and please please please keep up the hard work that we all know and love.

and you forum boys and girls don't go anywhere coz the community here as I always say is awesome
Interesting video, I really like the idea of TTL Talks and I'd love to see more. It's a good way to show us what's going on behind the scenes, both upcoming video/ideas and personal stuff. I hope it also helps you to have a chat with us and then be able to see what the community's opinion is.
I realize that it's not easy to just ignore what the trolls say, but I'd really try not to be affected too much it. After all, nobody is able to please everyone. Also, most uf us here subscribed to your YouTube channel and joined the forum because of you, we value your opinion and we like way you do the videos. There's no other channel (at least that I know of) that goes into such detail as you do, so there would be something missing if you decided to do less video just because of a few idiots.
Something you could include into the videos, is a point system like there is on some reviews on the website. You could judge the product in a few categories and the give the award based on the points. This way you could get the point that not all gold award products are equally good across more clearly. Maybe the people who just see the award and the brand name and then don't watch the conclusion part won't complain as much. It would also allow you to differentiate the rating a bit more. The way it is now there can be quite a big performance gap between two products with the same award even though both might still be very good compared to what else is available.
I'm probably gonna sound like a licker of backsides now, but TBH I enjoy all of the video content and the few written stuff I've gotten around to reading has been top notch as well (I'm a slow reader, so I only really read the full length articles on things I'm considering to actually buy). Lately, I've seen more and more people bashing Tom for being biased and for talking in circles, and I think that's unfortunately "just" a by-product of increased exposure. More views = more trolls
I haven't watched the video (thanks workplace restrictions) but I'm gonna comment anyways which makes me a bit of an uninformed troll.

Keep doing what you're doing. We love you for it.

Keep the reviews honest - I remember how you ripped NZXT for being rubbish (with the H2 I think)? Initially they took their bat and ball and went home - but to their credit they responded by building one of the best cases in the last few years with the H440.

This is what we want. We want honest opinions and we want companies to listen to feedback - good and bad.
If you start posting pictures of gout foot I'm done :)


I loved the vid of your personal thoughts. I would pay the trolls no mind, even though it hurts more than a person will ever admit.

Your vids are the anti-Linus. You always post things that anyone can buy and build and they look great. There are times I will admit I am scratching my head wondering how you came up with your thoughts, or think you sometimes pull the name of an award out of your backside for a product at times. But you know what, when I take the time and think about it and look at the facts, you are spot on 99.99% of the time and I am forced to change my mind.

Keep up the great work, and keep making things your way. I really enjoy watching and can't wait for the next one.
You deserve a Gold Award

Don't dwell to much on these people that just say sh*t for the sake of it tom, you do great videos and reviews.Your style of presenting is what make's us all love watching time and time again as you really care about what your doing and this shows in the reviews on screen.

Keep making the videos and don't change , look at what you have achieved from the beginning till now..Well done mate
After watching on as linus did more and more paid promos and constant "shirt sales" and stuff I always come to you for reviews and I go to linus for showcases that you don't get time to do :)
Tom it doesn't matter what you do haters are gonna hate and trolls are gonna troll and no matter what you do you will never please everyone.
I personally love OC3D's videos, reviews and content and the fact that you tell it like it is no matter what and it's what i respect this channel and forums for not to mention there are a great bunch of people on these forums.
TBH I think you are a bit stretched ATM and things are getting on top of you which might be making you a bit thin skinned ATM but just take a deep breath let it out whooosaahh and continue with your awesome content as things are just the way we like it DING!:worship: