For anyone still following my build log of Rescue 1, I will be adding some updated photos in the very near future. It turns out the 1 of my 2 6970s did in fact die, else XFX thought it unsalvageable and easier to issue a replacement. Since the card was used in as crossfire config, they also opted to replace my second (perfectly working) 6970 at no charge. HUGE kudos to XFX, their customer support is astonishing! That being said, these cards are way more power friendly that my 6970s, requiring a lone 6-pin power connector each as opposed to the 8-pin + 6-pin the 6970s used. So once I receive the second card, I will be pulling the system apart to replace those, and sort out why a few of my accent LEDs in the front panel have gone dark.
I also intend to update the battle station setup picture, as I have custom built a wall mounted desk, relocated the system to my basement, and will be making some aesthetic changes to the setup when I pull the PC apart. (mostly cable management etc.