Prime's 380T Mini ITX


New member
I previously had a 780T but due to my little one terrorizing it i had to get a smaller case to be able to move it out of reach but didn't want to settle for an ugly small box so found the 780T's much smaller brother the 380T xD

Had to order a new Motherboard and PSU for it to all go in the 380T but happy with the outcome little powerhouse smile.gif specs and pics below of the [previous 780T and 380T:


Corsair 380T
Corsair H80i GT with Corsair High Static Pressure SP120 Red Led Fan's
Intel i5 4690K @4.5Ghz 1- 1.225v
Gigabyte Z97N Gaming 5
Corsair Vengeance Pro 16GB (8X2)
2x Seagate 1TB SSHD
1x Hyper X SSD 240GB
XFX 750W Modular PSU
Gigabyte 980GTX G1 Gaming + Manual OC +100 Core, + 450 Memory (Just fits xD)

Currently ordered a Bitfenix 200mm Fan for the Front intake but as it stands is a Corsair SP140mm


Small Update - Living Room Move Around

So after moving the Living Room around and Mounting the TV to the Wall the 380T has a new home and looks like it belongs :)

Let me know what you think! :)
Personally, the red LED is a little to much when next to your stand with the subtle black look. Case itself though, looks tidy. I like your setup in respect of neatness and cable stealth. It's just those LEDs..
Personally, the red LED is a little to much when next to your stand with the subtle black look. Case itself though, looks tidy. I like your setup in respect of neatness and cable stealth. It's just those LEDs..

Thanks Warchild appreciate the feedback :). There not as bright as what the pic is showing as they are on a fan controller at max speed, more a subtle glow from it but its hard to picture.
I suspect you went with an BitFenix Spectre Pro 200mm Red led fan yes?... I used to have that case, in both white and black, had an blue BitFenix Spectre Pro 200mm in the front and as far as it was, it was quite loud.

BitFenix fans aren't that silent when put right next to a filter, their sound ramps up quite a bit unfortunately.

Looks good though mate, clean setup you've got!
That Gigabyte beast of a card must run cool and quiet though? :)
I suspect you went with an BitFenix Spectre Pro 200mm Red led fan yes?... I used to have that case, in both white and black, had an blue BitFenix Spectre Pro 200mm in the front and as far as it was, it was quite loud.

BitFenix fans aren't that silent when put right next to a filter, their sound ramps up quite a bit unfortunately.

Looks good though mate, clean setup you've got!
That Gigabyte beast of a card must run cool and quiet though? :)

Yep that's the one Chrazey and it is quite a bit louder than what I thought but thats when its connected to my fan controller 5v - led's start, 7v - same as 5v, 12v - works at full chat so its always on full chat.

But if its hooked up to the H80i GT's Fan Connectors it runs slower but is much more quiet but stuck between keeping it or swapping back out for 1x140mm or 2x120mm on the fan controller.

Thanks for the comments though :) yeah the gigabyte is awesome Afterburner reports 11% for the fans on auto on the desktop as its not a passive card but never goes over about 25% so its still really quiet idle temps are about 25-30c, gaming is about 50-55c