Gaming headset or headphones/microphone combo?


New member
Hi, I'm looking to replace my aging Razer Carcharias (which I'm growing quite frustrated with, but that's a story for another time). Plan has been to get the new Void wireless headset ever since it got unveiled. I have floated the idea of getting a headset and a standalone mic, but I didn't like the idea of adding more cables, when the plan was to go wireless.

Now I've explored the headphones/mic option a bit further, and found that I can get an Audio-Technica ATH-M40X with a Blue Snowball for around the same price as the wireless Void, and I've started to doubt my initial decision. It should be said that I live in a one room apartment with a TV right next to my battlestation, so naturally I'm worried about how well the Snowball is going to pick up my voice.

Is it better to get an Audio-Technica ATH-M40X + Blue Snowball or a Corsair Void for gaming in a noisy room?
I'd go with the proper headphones, not he gaming headset. I'd think about getting a ModMic if this is just for game chat. Of course a Snowball would sound better, but a ModMic would be far more convenient.
Personally I'd go with the Void and not to sound like a fanboy here but the snowball is a really good mic and pics up EVERYTHING around it, With the mic on the Void it's mainly focused on your mouth plus the drivers used inside the Void are really good.
If the room is noisy you'll want a headset. Yes the audio quality won't be as good but you won't have nearly as much background noise issues. I'd personally avoid corsair for headsets.
I'd think about getting a ModMic if this is just for game chat. Of course a Snowball would sound better, but a ModMic would be far more convenient.

I like the concept of the ModMic, i just don't like the thought of attaching myself to my setup with an additional cable, and the Beyerdynamic mic that plug directly into the headphones isn't compatible with the Audio-Technicas, so that's not an option.

The appeal of the standalone mic was not being attached to it, and the M40X's cable is detachable, so I'd just be able to unplug it whenever I'd wanna go get a snack or such.

I'd personally avoid corsair for headsets.

Why not Corsair, if I may ask?
Why not Corsair, if I may ask?

I've owned the following "Gaming" headsets -

Sennheiser G4ME Zero
Razer Tiamat 7.1
Corsair 1400 - Still got
Razer Kraken

And I've also tried the Hyper X headset.

Remember on forums everyone will just tell you what sounds good to them, Get the headset that makes the most sense to you and not to someone else ;)
i have enjoyed my corsair H2000's to the fact i think i have worn them to death.
I went against what most people told me.
I was sold on them being wireless as I watched a lot of movies from my bed, and living in a shared house having my 5.1 system might of wound them up.
The quality to me is reasonable, i have 1 fully working ear and they where bassey (im not sure thats a real word lol) enough for it to resonate in my head allowing me to hear a little more normally.

The mic does pic up a fair bit of back ground noise so most of the time id use push to talk or have the setting to only come on when im almost shouting.

They are so darn comfy i have several times fallen asleep wearing them. They are several years old and still going strong the only down side, is the joint to rotate them came lose but i fixed that and they still work :) but the damage was more than likely my fault anyway.

The battery life is pretty good up to 8 hours i got out of them while listening to music at a moderate level ;) ,while reading, and when they run out of charge you can just plug them in anyway.

I will be going for a H2100 when i get the monies. and handing my dad my H2000 so he has some headphones.

Hope this gives a good opinion of a well used product.
It all depends on a few things though, budget, quality required and brand loyalty if you have any im a sucker for corsair but thats cos its done what i ask for, and more.
Why not Corsair, if I may ask?
If its anything like their last headsets they're overpriced and would be bested by most cheaper headsets that aren't branded.

You are paying for the logos and a mediocre product. Oh and flashy lights. If you're going to get a headset for that amount of cash you can almost certainly get more bang for buck.
Ya Corsair headset's aren't the greatest. I'd take the HyperX headset over any Corsair one atm. The Hyper X is the best bang for the buck. If you want proper quality then need to step up to a Headset/Mic combo. I'm currently using a Beyerdynmaic DT990 Pro and a ModMic. Amazing setup and the extra cord isn't a big deal if i'm honest.
Thanks for all the feedback :D
I've more or less decided to go with the Sennheiser HD 518's with a Samson Meteor Mic. The ever returning argument of 'quality audio' is very persuasive, and there seem to be a lot of people advicing against Corsair headsets/gaming headsets in general. The frequency responses I'm gonna get with that combo knocks pretty much any headset out of the water. The Meteor has a headphone jack throughput in addition to the HD 518's having a detachable cable (aswell), so I'm still gonna get close to having the freedom of wirelessness, although without carrying the sound with me when leaving my desk.

So I guess I have a final question: Do any of you have experience with the aforementioned equipment? I.e. reason (not) to go out and buy it.
Never buy anything specifically designed for gaming because it's usually tat with a 100% price increase for the gaming word.

Sennheiser are great headphones but seriously lacking in bass. Personally if I were going for a set of cans at that price I would look into Grado.

Not sure on the mic you are talking about but I do have a Blue Snowball and all of my mates have complimented it by saying it sounds like I am there with them when we chat on Skype. I tested it before hand using Skype test call and it was fantastic. Do know though, it's pretty big.
I'd also recommend a pair of Sennheisers along with a decent sound card. ATGs are nice too.

Though at the moment I use a creative Tactic3d Recon wireless headset I got a few years ago, its quite nice. Just know your ears can get quite warm if you game for long periods of time.