Hello, I would like to do the extreme overclocking of AMD10 7850K with AIR COOLERS. My Cabinet Corsair Graphite 780T Full-Tower, has already installed three fans, I can install three more, so as to improve the ventilation. I would avoid the water cooling, because I know that it may cause a loss.
AIR COOLERS What do you recommend for the extreme overclocking of AMD10 7850K of ATX motherboard asrock fm2a88x Extreme6 +?
If we need to add fans in the AIR COOLERS to improve performance, you can tell me?
AIR COOLERS What do you recommend for the extreme overclocking of AMD10 7850K of ATX motherboard asrock fm2a88x Extreme6 +?
If we need to add fans in the AIR COOLERS to improve performance, you can tell me?