Cousin: Consoles Are Better Than PC's !

The only time I would play on a console is for console exclusive games. RDR and The Last of Us on PS3/4 and Mario and Zelda games on the Wii U.
Consoles have lower specs yes but they do benefit from getting the best optimizations. They can do 1080p 60fps just not at the moment. MS/Sony are still releasing dev kits that keep improving developers ability to get more out of them. When released the dev kits for both MS/Sony were only in the alpha stage, reason being was they wanted to release asap and therefore the software devs didn't have enough time to further develop for them. Overtime it will improve. Just don't expect more than 1080p 60fps. If anything PS4 is the only one capable of that, Xbone is far weaker. It needs far more help than the PS4 does. Even then once graphics become so intensely packed you will probably see 1080p 45FPS or some odd number. Sony has already broke even on the PS4 expense(idk how but ok) in some article i read a month ago. So them wanting to come out with another one shouldn't be a big issue just wait a few more years. At that rate though mine as well get a PC.

PC in the end is the only way to go. Exclusives don't matter when i can go to a friends house who has a console and I play those games there. Its what a lot of people do.

I have a PS4 and it is a fun console simply because its straightforward in getting people to play with you or play 4 players on one screen at home in one living room. That's the only benefit i can see.
I keep seeing how PC is dominating, not just here but articles as well but I saw one the other day from a trusted source (I'm sure it was GameSpot) and the title was something like PC gaming market all time low, or something similar. I wish I bloody clicked it now.
I keep seeing how PC is dominating, not just here but articles as well but I saw one the other day from a trusted source (I'm sure it was GameSpot) and the title was something like PC gaming market all time low, or something similar. I wish I bloody clicked it now.

Well that's definitely wrong,

John romero co-creator of Doom said on the 24th of July 2014 -

"PC is decimating console, Just through price"

A report by Hexus on the 28th of April 2014 -

"Global PC games market revenue overtakes consoles"

And GamesIndustry.Biz on January 29th 2014 -

"PC Gaming Market To Exceed $25 Billion This Year"
I will try and find it. I did think huh? but must of carried on scrolling.

I tend not to take notice of Gamespot and IGN as they are mainly console only and a lot of the time have no idea about PC.

For example one of their videos *Can't remember if it was GS or IGN* said you need a rig with 2 Titans to play CoD Ghosts at 1080P, At that point I stopped going to GS and IGN ^_^
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For example one of their videos said you need a rig with 2 Titans to play CoD Ghosts at 1080P, At that point I stopped going to GS and IGN ^_^

LOL sounds like they know nothing then. GameSpot recently did a number of articles on hardware to purchase for a gaming PC, never read any though.
Consoles are great for exclusives. I bought a PS3 just to play the Naughty Dog titles.

In terms of graphics performance, the PC will always win and there's no point arguing against that. People who claim consoles are better graphically are either ignorant or misinformed and it's our duty to set them straight.
I used a PS3 for ages before being able to upgrade my current PC, I enjoyed my time with it and I immagine it would work great as a media centre with that great integration with WMP servers and a great selection of apps (was never used as one though as it was at the same desk as my PC),
But lack of key features and performance made playing games on it a bit of a chore, for instance slow loading times from that slow laptop class drive, Freezing when weird things happened in game,

but the one thing that really put consoles out of my mind was the lack of being able to troubleshoot, the vagueness of error messages, installs messing up and not being fixed after reinstalling (which meant the console needed to be reset), it just became a pain in the arse.
have now sold my PS3 (and my account with it ~11 games digital downloaded) for £130, probably should have sold it for more, my brother occasionally notices my account go online to play fucking CoD, a shame considering there are games like GTA 5, BF4, Dark souls 2, Birds of steel (basically warthunder) installed and progressed through on there.

Also a pro tip for any PS3 users out there: if you have a friend or family member with a PS3 you can activate your account on there console and they can get a copy of any digital games you have downloaded, as long as your account stays activated on their PS3 they can play your games on their own account as if they owned it.
I used a PS3 for ages before being able to upgrade my current PC, I enjoyed my time with it and I immagine it would work great as a media centre with that great integration with WMP servers and a great selection of apps (was never used as one though as it was at the same desk as my PC),
But lack of key features and performance made playing games on it a bit of a chore, for instance slow loading times from that slow laptop class drive, Freezing when weird things happened in game,

but the one thing that really put consoles out of my mind was the lack of being able to troubleshoot, the vagueness of error messages, installs messing up and not being fixed after reinstalling (which meant the console needed to be reset), it just became a pain in the arse.
have now sold my PS3 (and my account with it ~11 games digital downloaded) for £130, probably should have sold it for more, my brother occasionally notices my account go online to play fucking CoD, a shame considering there are games like GTA 5, BF4, Dark souls 2, Birds of steel (basically warthunder) installed and progressed through on there.

Also a pro tip for any PS3 users out there: if you have a friend or family member with a PS3 you can activate your account on there console and they can get a copy of any digital games you have downloaded, as long as your account stays activated on their PS3 they can play your games on their own account as if they owned it.

Hahaha like how you say "go online to play fucking CoD". :D You've made a valid point in your post though.
Ah g's, consoles. Brings back memories both good and bad. I only been playing on PC for only two years now but it seems like so long now since I've played console games with any regularity. I really have not looked back since. I DO still have a soft spot for Nintendo though. I still thoroughly enjoy their first party titles.

PS4 has some potential to not be forgettable, but just a little. I've always found their first-party titles to be generally good. I see almost no reason for xbone to exist however; quite underpowered compared to PS4, their exclusive games right now are nothing to write home about, and now they're letting EA put their subscription model on XBL. No thanks I'd rather pay once to own my games. But to be fair I play ESO which is a subscription type MMO so the joke is on me.

I went to Quakecon this year for the first time. It was quite an eye opener seeing so many gamers and their rigs in one place. I cringed whenever I saw someone there with a console or mac computer. My how my outlook on gaming has changed in two short years.

Rant over
I think consoles are still the gateway to casual gaming. No matter what it is, the usual simplicity of just putting a disc in the drive and playing a game is going to be hard to combat.

Personally, I started gaming, albeit casually, in around 2007 when I was 7 when I started playing Runescape of all things... I then got into games like spore and lego racers which were both on discs (no installing). I suppose that Was my intro into casual gaming.

I played these games happily for a few years before all of my friends got bored of the constant grind of Runescape and I was left playing on my own for a good 2 years before I finally got my Xbox 360. This was when I began to actually enjoy playing games more competitively on things like Modern Warfare 2 (fuck, I just realized how important that game was to me and my life as a gamer) and Forza 3. I see the Xbox as the place that my love for gaming began, it was incredible that something that cost me so little and that the 1 game I played gave me such happiness (in total I had about 35 - 40 days played online on MW2). I played MW2 up until CoD Ghosts came out and I still maintain that Modern Warfare 2 was the best game, filled with the most memories, that I ever played and I have a feeling it may be for a long time.

I see the console as a way for people to have an easy way to have an even playing field across all machines and be able to play with their friends and not have to worry about compatibility this, or driver error that. I know that this isn't everybody's view but I think everyone can agree with me that without the console, a lot of money may not be in the gaming market which translates to less people and less interest from the world.

Just my 2 cents, thanks for reading my story.

People have been hacking into webcams for aaaages. Whats to say people haven't got into the consoles. ;)

Excuse me, I need to tighten my tinfoil.

Really loved MW2, The maps were really cool (long sniping lanes, good flanking routes, clever scenery placement), after MW2 it really went to shit.
I commend Sony for innovating a bit by putting graphics RAM in the PS4, and they deserve their console war win more than the XBONE (which frankly is shite), I agree that it is a shame nintendo aren't more sucessful considering the quality of the games they push out.
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Lol nice to see you've taken measures of taping your webcam. Currently typing on my iPad which has a camera, so does the laptop, and the phone. :|
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It's fine if they repeat their large franchises to allow funds to go to other games where they can explore different concepts etc. And even their main franchise games (minus Super mario bros) are really fresh (it probably helps they aren't brown and shooty unlike most thing on the market).
Its still making the same game every year with a slightly different thing added onto it. IMO most what Nintendo makes as bad as CoD or any other major franchise in terms of originality, just surrounded in more nostalgia mist and a rabid fanbase. "Muh Nostalgia, don't touch it."

then again I've not really enjoyed a Nintendo game for a good while. Except Animal crossing.
Ghosts was shit. I remember the map were the rocket launches and it's a copy of MW2. to your left is a ramp into a small building and outside is a big tubular thing. From the start again on your right is a vehicle on fire with a building just ahead of the smoke. The middle is filled with shit for cover.