Airgun shooting


New member
Any one else on here enjoy airgunning, whether HFT or otherwise?

My son has an Air Arms S410 Superlite and enjoys getting out on the weekends with it doing a spot of pest control.

Would be interested to know if there are any fellow shooters out there.
Thanks SuB,

Glad you know the difference :) although it was interesting for me to look at the airsoft thread (I have never done it) to see the arrange of weapon choices available, I have seen similar in paintball clubs.

However as you mentioned air gunning is not airsoft (suppose the difference can be seen by the wording) :) and I am interested to see if anyone else has this sport as one of their hobbies. I like both sides of it, HFT and field shooting for pest control reasons as well as stocking the larder.

I know it carries a similar cost and obsessiveness the same as being a pc enthusiasts does and can also be as rewarding as overclocking when you achieve that perfect shot...... providing you don't waste it.
Ive just got into the airgun hobbiest spot and im already thinking of a digital spot finder, through a tablet and go pro to work out drop and accuracy. Lol.
Been down to Ronnie Sunshines today actually.
I have a BSA Ultra lite se, pcp rifle .22 in tactical black with a synthetic stock of which ive already thought about modding.



grouping needs a bit of work but ive only had my rifle about a week.
That's a lovely gun you have there, Not bad shooting, what range was the target at? some grouping errors can also be down to the "one" dodgy pellet. There are some good videos on you tube to help you work out drop offs at different ranges and also tips on using holdover technique, also a lot of advice can be found on this forum here they also have a website which can help you find your local HFT club.

I find the clubs and website very friendly and always willing to help beginners, exactly like this place here really.

We are off out shortly to clear some crows so hope the weather plays ball.
Yep I remember when I was younger me and my dad would go round the farm shooting rabbits and crows with a air rifle, IRC it makes a big diffence in what pellets you are using for distance and clean kills
That was a .22 at about 24/25 yards after i had to adjust my sight due to being a few degrees off of plane.
I have not joined any clubs my dad has an air arms s200 which we used to shoot together when i was younger, and i went and got the Ultra SE last weekend.

Shoots around 20-25 good rounds with a similar trajectory before it gets a little drop off, for the next 25.
Thats using AirArms Diabolo Field .22 16 grain pellets.
My dad uses them so helps when sharing pellets along with the fact they where recommended online.

Thats with 225 PSI, im thinking of getting a regulator fitted to even that curve.

Id not shoot pests till i know id get a kill at 50-70 yards.
Yeah it looks odd with out the moderator/silencer.
but thanks need to use a small fine grain sand paper to get rid of the edges from where they seal the 2 parts together.

Its a lovely shoot though :)
My son's gun is zeroed at 40m and I have yet to show him how to aim off for different distances.

We went out yesterday and after 20 mins of checking zero got 9 crows with good clean kills on each from a standing position so I was pretty chuffed at his shooting. I have told him that he is never to pull the trigger unless he knows he is spot on with a shot, he respects the fact that the animal should never suffer and so let a couple get away as he thought he might have winged them (branches obscuring target).

He has a regulator fitted so no worries about drop off and overall not a bad outing for him.

I am now considering getting myself a HW100 so we can shoot together but need to save my pennies first, sad when a 16 year old has more money than his dad :)
Nice, sounds like his coming along well.
And i can understand that, about money.
Im tempted after 6 months or so to get a reg fitted but ill see
watching him is tempting me now, I am considering getting a R10 myself now that or a HW100.

I like wooden stocks though despite yours looking really good. Have to wait and see what the birthday fairy brings in a few months (puts new pc build back on hold) :( :) mixed feelings
Thats fair was a bit of a dent in funds, do you have spare optics or would you need that too?
The synthetic stock is nice due to the fact is all gripy where as a wooden stock depending on the stock might slip a little, also im not sure if its just comparing to my dads rifle but his feels alot heavier with the wooden stock over my synthetic.
The tactical look is a plus for me too but im already thinking about designing my own stock in cad and 3d printing it. That way i can put weight's in if i want and almost hide the air bottle.

Was back down the rifle range today, had a bit of fun got my grouping down very well.




Sorry about it being fussy but i'm happy with that grouping, been using stickers on the targets to make the centres pop and its worked wonders for me.
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