True Surround Sound Headsets - a gimmick or actual benefit


New member
The Tiamat and the Asus Strix one, true 7.1 surround sound headsets seem to be the only options around that's even worth considering for this.

Apparently the Tiamat need a dedicated soundcard of more prestigious quality levels at the same, or above, price point of the headset itself, to deliver.

Anyone got any first hand experience with either or both of these headsets that can say they are true to the surround sound experience in both a gaming scenario as well as other sound related ones, like movies w/e.
If you really care about it, go for a pair of headphones from the likes of Senheiser or something along with a good dedicated sound card. You can just grab a dedicated mic if need be.

The Asus and Tiamat are just marketing gimmicks.
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Surround Sound is pointless for headsets. You have two ears and two speakers on headsets. Adding more makes no point, you won't get any benefits. You are better off getting a proper pair of headphones and an aftermarket mic along with either an internal or external soundcard.