Scotland Votes NO to Independence


News Guru
While the Big news in the GPU world is Maxwell, as UK based Site we simply can't ignore how Scotland voted yesterday.


Read more on Scotland's No Vote here.
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At least my city, Glasgow, voted yes :D

I was kind of hoping for independence, but whatever. We'll be fine together I suppose.
You wouldn't be fine if "yes" won...

They would be more than ok, This is 1 thing I am overly sick of and really pisses me off, The nay sayers, They never do their research.

What does Scotland have/own 2/3 of in the whole of the EU ? OIL !

If the Scots would of banded together and took their freedom back from the under the english boot it would of taken them a few years but they would be a very wealthy country.

The only reason england wants to keep Scotland is because the hundreds of millions england collects from Scotland each year, Even the queen has lots of homes there and collects tax from the people of Scotland.

The english don't want to let go of Scotland for 1 reason and 1 reason only, They will lose a lot of money that rightfully belongs to the Scottish people.
WYP, might want to update the thread with the new numbers from the Highlands, who added a bit to the Yes and No side. Unfortunately, No still won...
Why Scotland shoud want independence? I guess UK have great laws/economy,etc, I'm wrong?
I would like to study and work there, instead of this dick-head morons country...
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WYP, might want to update the thread with the new numbers from the Highlands, who added a bit to the Yes and No side. Unfortunately, No still won...

I'll update it now. (edit- DONE)

And guys, if this turns into another angry political argument thread I WILL CLOSE IT!!

The vote has taken place and Scotland has decided it's future /END
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Yeah come on lets not argue about it. A vote is a vote, they've made their decision for better or worse. It's not for us to fall out about it in here.

Dice c'mere gimme a hug
They would be more than ok, This is 1 thing I am overly sick of and really pisses me off, The nay sayers, They never do their research.

What does Scotland have/own 2/3 of in the whole of the EU ? OIL !

If the Scots would of banded together and took their freedom back from the under the english boot it would of taken them a few years but they would be a very wealthy country.

The only reason england wants to keep Scotland is because the hundreds of millions england collects from Scotland each year, Even the queen has lots of homes there and collects tax from the people of Scotland.

The english don't want to let go of Scotland for 1 reason and 1 reason only, They will lose a lot of money that rightfully belongs to the Scottish people.

You know who has oil, too? Venezuela, Nigeria etc. They have to sell it at low price to be competitive because they practically have nothing else to export.

Moreover, AFAIK, a big fraction of scottish export is made by whisky, which industry gives work to 30000+ people ( but Scotland has to import most of the raw material )

Indipendent Scotland would have encountered currency issues ( since sterling pound is english ) and would probably have to use Euro ( which would imply years of waiting before EU could accept scotland in eurozone ). And euro is not a good thing ( the concept is good but the real application is sh*t )

Finally, AFAIK obviously, many companies and banks declared to be ready to move to England if "yes" won
To be honest, If Scotland had voted Yes I think they would have had a rough start but would have worked out fine in the end.

Biggest impact would have been import/export. But a good thing would have been that if they were no longer part of EU then the EU laws stating they must consider outside vendors wouldnt apply. They could have created an industry inhouse employing alot of Scots with good jobs.

Since they remain part of the UK though, I guess its business as usual :)
Yeah come on lets not argue about it. A vote is a vote, they've made their decision for better or worse. It's not for us to fall out about it in here.

Dice c'mere gimme a hug

God damn it SuB, I cannot resist your manly charms !!! ^_^
I think they voted the right way. If the UK split up a whole lot of other regions would split up as well just for their own benefit. Soon we'd be back to the state we were in back in medieval times. Not really a step forward towards a united human kind.
I think they voted the right way. If the UK split up a whole lot of other regions would split up as well just for their own benefit. Soon we'd be back to the state we were in back in medieval times. Not really a step forward towards a united human kind.

Would you like it if Russia came in, Took over Germany and called it part of the soviet state ?
Would you like it if Russia came in, Took over Germany and called it part of the soviet state ?

That would be a forceful takeover. Scotland didn't become part of the United Kingdom because of a forceful takeover. Scotland became part of the United Kingdom because they were broke and needed England's money.
Would you like it if Russia came in, Took over Germany and called it part of the soviet state ?

Mate, I was serious when I said I'd close the thread. Don't start it.

Besides, the soviet union no longer exists (so it would just be part of Russia) and Scotland wasn't annexed by England, the union of the Crowns was a mutual agreement wasn't it?

Just be happy that the democratic process happened, and that the judgement is respected by those in power. Many people do not have that luxury.
Mate, I was serious when I said I'd close the thread. Don't start it.

Besides, the soviet union no longer exists (so it would just be part of Russia) and Scotland wasn't annexed by England, the union of the Crowns was a mutual agreement wasn't it?

Just be happy that the democratic process happened, and that the judgement is respected by those in power. Many people do not have that luxury.

Not starting anything, You started a political themed thread so you have to expect political talks ;)
The issue was more financial from what I saw. There was no way Scottish politicians just like every other western country these days would actually have the stomach to balance their budget and cut the welfare bill drastically in the process, since they're dependent on a subsidy from the English taxpayer every year.

This way, the Scottish government can continue running deficits, piling up debt, spending like a drunken sailor and blaming London for everything that goes wrong. I always expected the "No" side to come out on top tbh, but it would have been an interesting upset for the status quo if the result was "Yes". Oh well.. not to be. ^_^
If the West Lothian question gets answered and proper powers be passed down to English MP's for laws only affecting English counties then I can't thank Scotland enough. This does seem like a win/win situation for all evolved, well besides Salmond's dream to be the Scottish Mandela(lol).
Aberdeen provides nearly all the revenue for Scotland so if scotland was to go independent it would make more sense for aberdeen to go independent, anyway lets not debate on here, the reason i have been off facebook for the past week was to ignore all the freedom arguments etc.