Poll: Best R9 290 For My Build?

Best R9 290 for My Build

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New member
Hi guys I want your opinions on what 290 would be best for my build

1. I will be 2 way xfiring them
2. I only included ones that will fit in my color scheme.
3. I am only gaming.
4. Not gonna OC much.

Thanks for any help!

Here is my current build http://pcpartpicker.com/p/QTwbRB

Fell free to explain your chose in chat!
If you are going to write "Poll" in the topic of the thread then you should probably have a poll in the thread. Also stating your color scheme (it's red btw so you people don't have to check his parts) would be neat.
I can't recall a whole lot of red cards, Asus comes to mind, but Asus coolers are pretty shitty for AMD atm. MSi gaming cards would probably be the best choice.
I voted for the Asus purely because aesthetics. In my biased and ignorant opinion all R9-290's are just a housefire underneath an IHS except for the fat ass triple slot bad boys like the Lightning and Tri-X so you may as well have the pretty one that matches your hero.
