OC3D Stickers ?


New member
Hello all i was just curious if there is any official OC3D stickers you can purchase or if we can use the logo and get them made ourselves ?. Really like all the content OC3D/tinytomlogan puts out and the assistance i have had from the forums. Thanks in advance
You should ASK Tom for permission of creating the stickers and logo(s) even though they are private use. He does own them so you do need permission at the least.
You should ASK Tom for permission of creating the stickers and logo(s) even though they are private use. He does own them so you do need permission at the least.

Actually he doesn't as it's for private use ergo he can print as many as he wants, Change colours and stick them all over his body if he wanted to ^_^

Only if he was representing the brand in an official manner would he have to get Toms permission but as it's for his PC in his bedroom *Just guessing there* it falls outside of asking for permission.

I've printed a huge amount of white ROG logos, As it falls into the fair use category of private use permission is not needed.
Actually he doesn't as it's for private use ergo he can print as many as he wants, Change colours and stick them all over his body if he wanted to ^_^

Only if he was representing the brand in an official manner would he have to get Toms permission but as it's for his PC in his bedroom *Just guessing there* it falls outside of asking for permission.

I've printed a huge amount of white ROG logos, As it falls into the fair use category permission is not needed.

I said should. SHOULD ask. Didn't say he had too and said even if they were for private use he should still ask. It's just respectful to Tom. I would want to know if i was in Tom's shoes.
I said should. SHOULD ask. Didn't say he had too and said even if they were for private use he should still ask. It's just respectful to Tom. I would want to know if i was in Tom's shoes.

Well this is down to the individual user to be honest here... but I do get what you mean here though NBD. From a designers perspective, I'd personally ask for permission, due to copyright laws etc. Wether it's for personal use or commercial one(s).
Just out of him owning the logo, the copyrights of it and just out my sheer respect for Tom.

That's just my 2 cents on it though :)
He's not touchy, people are just really good at bastardising it, which meant we had to say.. oi that's shit, stoppit

Ahh yes the beige logo, I remember it's throwup colour as if it was yesterday, It was truly horrid ^_^
When things happen soon the logo will be fine but Im going to have to consider the colour changes.... I think blue might have to be outlawed