Cooling for Super hot AMD components.


New member
A friend of mine wants me to water cool an AMD 9590 and 2 R9 290x's. In most cases I will only be able to get a 45mm 240 rad in push pull and a 30mm 360 rad in push. Does anyone know if this will be enough, as these are the hottest components I can think of. As of now I have only water cooled components that are not nearly as hot. Any info I can get will be helpful.

Edit: Haven't decided on a case, but I an leaning toward the Fractile Define S w/window and the Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 MoBo. If any more info is needed please let me know.
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Depending on what motherboard, case and what kind of airflow you have in your case I would invest in motherboard waterblock/s other than that those radiators should do good.
Have a look on EK's website mate I would imagine it would have to be a high end AMD motherboard that they will do them for

Edit: the only one I could find is end of life for the Crosshair formula V i'll put the link here of the model number for you
you may find one off the web somewhere Frozencpu says they have 3 but I do not think they are trading atm
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Considering AMD felt it was fine to chuck 2 slightly oc'd 290x cores on the 295x2, I'd say you will be perfectly fine with that much rad space. Temps won't be amazing, however would still be perfectly fine.
Instead of getting a 240mmx45mm rad in push pull you'd probably be better off with a 60mm rad in push OR pull.
With a 240x60 and a 360x30 you would have plenty of rad space for temps. Make sure you get a good pump, D5's tend to be the best but DDCs aren't that bad as well.
Tbh, would be a bit easier if we had the complete system specs or at least the case. So if possible, could you please include them in the OP OP?
I doubt you will get waterblocks for the sabertooth although its a good board there I had 2 of them myself rev 1+2. go and have a look on the web and see which waterblocks you like or are the most efficient there is XSPC, EK and bitspower to name a few companies. I would recommend a Laing D5 Vario pump for your setup as they are the most reliable try to plan your loop in the case you are getting 1st dude. and which 290X's are you getting personally I would go reference cards seeing as you are going to waterblock them.
He already has 2 reference 290x's with EK water blocks, they are the first things he bought. I don't think I can convince him to buy MoBo blocks, I will if I can. Mainly though I am wondering if the rad choices I have made are enough by themselves, as they are probably the best I can do.
Decide on which case you want to use first matey and we all will have something to work on as a base but until then we can't really advise you on rads etc because we won't know if they will fit :)
The rads listed well be able to cool the setup perfectly fine. Any extra will be just that, extra. It will just help just temps some more.
Do you know of any AM3+ motherboards that have available waterblocks?

I know that crosshair v formula motherboard should have waterblocks awailable off the self if you can source them(don't know if ek still sell them). For sabertooth board I'm just going to say vrm is going to get toasty, I can't run more than 1,368 volts on cpu so whole socket area doesn't just run at max temps, (I have 360 monsta and ut60 240mm radiators cooling fx 8320 and r9 290). Waterblocks on the other hand for that board is doable with modding and fiddling with things, seen atleast one thread that has it done.