New member
So getting home, and just wanting to relax and play some LoL, when I have to get a computer update (which I always say no to) and then about 30 minutes later I'm on the windows 8 sign in screen, only now my mouse isn't working. Windows 8.1 just won't work with my mouse, and only my mouse. It's a kensington mouse in a box (·in·a·box™-wired-usb), and yes, I do want to get a new one.
It appears as both a mouse and a keyboard (the 2 HID devices), and although my keyboard works perfectly, it doesn't show in devices.
Here is the mouse plugged in:
And not:
I'd like to do a pc refresh to get back to windows 8, but it's now letting me (the whole insert media thing but no option to contiue), and when I used the command promt method the customrefresh.wim took up over 300gb, not giving me enough space to refresh.
I can't find online drivers for this thing, so any help on getting my mouse to work? It'd be greatly appreciated
It appears as both a mouse and a keyboard (the 2 HID devices), and although my keyboard works perfectly, it doesn't show in devices.
Here is the mouse plugged in:
And not:
I'd like to do a pc refresh to get back to windows 8, but it's now letting me (the whole insert media thing but no option to contiue), and when I used the command promt method the customrefresh.wim took up over 300gb, not giving me enough space to refresh.
I can't find online drivers for this thing, so any help on getting my mouse to work? It'd be greatly appreciated