windows 7 oem iso download?


New member
so i decided to reinstall my windows 7 pro oem because i tried windows 8 "trial" and i cant really get allong with it also it wants me to buy the thing now and i dont want to buy it either. so i want to go back to 7 untill windows 10 comes out.

However digitalriver do not have the oem disk downloads any more and the MS web page validates my key but then says i have to contact the oem provider. they inturn say they dont carry windows 7 disks any more..

I know there must be some where i can download a windows 7 pro oem iso.
It used to be easy to do. but now it seems near impossible...

I really dont want to download a torrented version as they are inevitably full of trojans and access rights and stuff to folders are given to groups of people to allow easy access to your files for hackers.
So im wondering does any one know where i can find a CLEAN UN-altered iso of windows 7 pro oem?
thank you.


i would be wanting x64 which i think goes without saying these days, but thought id add that any way.
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so i decided to reinstall my windows 7 pro oem because i tried windows 8 "trial" and i cant really get allong with it also it wants me to buy the thing now and i dont want to buy it either. so i want to go back to 7 untill windows 10 comes out.

However digitalriver do not have the oem disk downloads any more and the MS web page validates my key but then says i have to contact the oem provider. they inturn say they dont carry windows 7 disks any more..

I know there must be some where i can download a windows 7 pro oem iso.
It used to be easy to do. but now it seems near impossible...

I really dont want to download a torrented version as they are inevitably full of trojans and access rights and stuff to folders are given to groups of people to allow easy access to your files for hackers.
So im wondering does any one know where i can find a CLEAN UN-altered iso of windows 7 pro oem?
thank you.

I was looking for the same thing earlier, need to format my SSD and ether install 8.1 or 7, Tom said you get a free trial of 7 so try that out (to see if it works with my 295X2) but it doesn't seem to be on the Windows Store, or even an option to just buy it.
As Windows 7 isn't sold anymore they've probably cut all legit forms of giving it out. If you really search you can get it on a few E-shops.

That or you can get a torrent of the ISO. Its not really illegal unless you use a cracker/illegal code.

using the msdn sha1 tags i found this..

it should be windows 7 oem pro sp1 x64 english
according the the sha1 tags its the exact one that used to be on the MSN downloads page and digitalriver before ms pulled them. i dont think you can spoof the sha1 tags.. (although maybe you can but i dont think so)

Apparantly as an alternatave, you can phone MS and they will send you a disk "for a fee" and having looked the fee is around £40 which is taking the pee a bit because you can buy one with a key for that kind of money.

its probably a good idea to delete ei.cfg from the install iso and use rufus to make it a usb bootable.
that way any valid windows key will work and it wont harrass you for using a oem or non oem one.

any way hope this helps some one else.
but if you want to find your own version and validate it 1st "i would reccomend that"
to to the msdn page that lists all the iso downloads.
find the iso you need click on details and find the hash tag for it.
then go to google and search for that hash tag.
you should then find the iso file you need. even if it is on a server some where in china and its going to take 4 hours to download 3gb.
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The ISOs are all readily available from a select few recommended microsoft certified sites, like this one >>Here<<
thats strange. from what i was reading MS pulled all distribution rights and so digitalriver werent allowed to host the files MSN had sent them to host.
and I also noticed that the file that you can download from get in to pc is 300MB larger than the one you get from microsoft "or you did get"