UGHH!!! I'm stumped lol


New member
OK! So I got the new 780T case and I'm stumped on rads. At my disposal I have in the XT45 (45mm think for those who dont know) in 360mm 240mm and 280mm. I can easily put the 360 in the roof the 280 in the front and the 240 in the floor. Only problem is that the 240 will only be able to have a single fan on it. I dont mean push or pull I mean 1 fan ONLY. As the 280mm sits down far enough to prevent a fan on the other spot. I also have arriving tomorrow another 360mm rad that I was going to use for my backup rig (AMD 6350) cpu only loop. The rad arriving tomorrow is a XSPC EX360 which is 35.5mm thick.

So whats y'all thoughts on rad placement?? I know it'll look cleaner with the dual 360's and thats my plan for later is to get 2 UT360's (60mm thick) rads. But budget is tapped atm and I really want to get my main back up and running.

OH! I should mention I'm cooling a delidded (but not nekid) 4770k @4.5GHz @1.260 vcore and xfired 7970's running the GHz bios not oc'd cause they have never been a need to oc em lol.
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your probably right plus alot cleaner looking but I'm worried about that thin arse rad lol

What made you go for a 35mm rad ?

I went with a 60mm from EK myself, Still waiting for the time to install all of it but 35mm ? Surely this is water cooling heresy ^_^
lol it was part of a package deal of used stuff I got. I mainly got the deal for the d5 fans and fittings. but he made me a sweet deal and added it in for like 25$ My plan was to use it on the AMD rig in my air540 and buy new rads for the 780T but as it always does life reared up and had to use some of my play money for a minor emergency. Now it'll be 2-4 weeks before I recoup it and I'm not a very patient person lol so I'm working with what I have for now lol.
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Ok so I ended up going 360 in roof and 280 in front. Made no sense to have a rad with just a single fan on it plus I need the floor space to mount the pump lol. But My temps are back down and running both rads push pull. Fans may change later but for now its good lol. Running the AF140mm AF's from the 540 and 780T on the 280mm and Bitfenix 120mm led fans on the 360mm. The bloke who sold me the bitfenix's didnt include the jumper to make the leds work so I'm trying to source some. But all are white led even though the pic makes it look blue.

I wholeheartedly approve of this project.
