New member
First off, I've no idea if I'm allowed to make official OC3D threads here? So forgive me if I'm not 
Anyway, I got this game for almost free otherwise I certainly wouldn't have bought it right off the bat but I was pleasantly surprised as compared to last year's iteration. It plays smoothly with very few bugs, although I do feel it's a tad less graphically - could be just me though?
I also quite like the protagonists yet feel Evie could do with some more story gameplay, a bit more 500/500 if you will. In fact, I would be in favour of sequel solely with her in an entirely different place.
Next, I really like the setting (it could do with more NPCs, not as much as Unity buy hey, we've got PC's; we can handle it! But I digress.). Yet I can't help but feeling it's city after city now and the franchise could do with something new and fresh in that context for a sequel - reinventing the game would be just fine.
There's only one thing that bugs me: what's up with the sneak stances? They look like severe hernia patients - it's just odd.
Anyway, with my current setup and Vsync off (causes screen tearing because, well, my display sucks) I get 80+ FPS easily!

Anyway, I got this game for almost free otherwise I certainly wouldn't have bought it right off the bat but I was pleasantly surprised as compared to last year's iteration. It plays smoothly with very few bugs, although I do feel it's a tad less graphically - could be just me though?
I also quite like the protagonists yet feel Evie could do with some more story gameplay, a bit more 500/500 if you will. In fact, I would be in favour of sequel solely with her in an entirely different place.
Next, I really like the setting (it could do with more NPCs, not as much as Unity buy hey, we've got PC's; we can handle it! But I digress.). Yet I can't help but feeling it's city after city now and the franchise could do with something new and fresh in that context for a sequel - reinventing the game would be just fine.
There's only one thing that bugs me: what's up with the sneak stances? They look like severe hernia patients - it's just odd.
Anyway, with my current setup and Vsync off (causes screen tearing because, well, my display sucks) I get 80+ FPS easily!