New years Resolutions thread


News Guru
Well, it is that time of year when we look at ourselves and wonder how we all ate THAT MUCH Christmas dinner.

I decided to make a thread on New Years Resolutions so that we can hopefully give each other useful advice on how to achieve our resolutions/ changes in the year ahead. Hopefully we can help make 2016 an awesome year.

I already achieved my targets of removing all front IO in 2k15 and exceeded expectations by obscuring HDMI and DVI from view on the rear. It's hard to imagine how I could further this standard in 2016 but I suppose I may have to start covering unused motherboard rear IO to meet EU initiatives for 100% clean computers by 2020.

Is this just computer/PC related or general things as well?... Such as life goals, achievements etc?...
Well I have 3 goals I'd like to achieve in 2016

1) Be a bigger douche than I was in 2015
2) Purchase a base of operations, be it a house or multi room flat
3) Don't blow up any motherboards :lol:
Is this just computer/PC related or general things as well?... Such as life goals, achievements etc?...

It can be PC or general.

Right now I don't really know what I want to try tech wise, but I do want to get in better shape and eat better. I promise to try this time!
Well then...

1) Stop returning components hehe :P
2) Get my stamina/condition up and get in better shape.
3) To try and get into the police education.
4) Get a girlfriend lmao.
Me either they should be called new years failurutions

I 100% agree with that

I for one have reached every goal I've ever set my self :) this time won't be any different :)

Maybe you don't set goals because of a negative attitude ;)

Well your one of the lucky ones then cause most of the time they just fail

So your saying cause i don't do New Years Resolutions that i have a negative attitude, I just find them to be pointless.
It's about setting small goals. Nothing like "I will move out and live together with my GF in our own house with 2 Dogs" oh wait... that's exactly what I wanted to do this year and I accomplished it :p [/braggingoff]
Oh boy, where do I start? I have a lot of goals for the coming year :p

1. Spend more time writing articles. I haven't been able to do so at all the last few months, and that really sucks, as I love doing it. I'm hoping to change that in 2016!

2. Register myself as a freelance writer at the chamber of commerce. It's something I've wanted to do for years. I think now is the right time to do it.

3. Start a blog. I have this awesome idea where I blog about my college course (Journalism). Would be called 'Press-in-Progress'.

4. The usual nonsense (that never succeeds); start hitting the gym next year, drink less coffee, spend less money on unnecessary things and food. Also, gain some weight (I'm quite underweight).
Why do people even make New years Resolutions you know there only going to fail that is why i don't make them.


I knew I had to lose weight so I started months ago. I'm now down from an XXL to XL and my face looks much thinner. Will power was all it took (and cutting two meals from my daily intake).

I've never bothered with so called resolutions.
I personally like to make Tuesday resolutions each week, doesn't seem so bad when I break them within 7 days. beats trying to keep it for 365 days!