Millenium Films Sues 10 Million Expendables 3 Downloaders


Resident Newb
Interesting bit of news, Millenium films, The ones responsible for the expendables series are going after 10 million people globally who downloaded the film, Each having to pay upwards of $300 out of court or court hearings will take place.

Will be quite interesting to get peoples view on this.

that goes against the new rules doesn't it?
I thought they could only give you an education, on why its bad.
They were only allowed to go after the ones who distribute.

Hahaha ^_^

Personally I think they are just doing this because the film sucked ass and need more money.

10 million people around the globe though, Seems a little over the top if they want to go after all of them around the world.

that goes against the new rules doesn't it?
I thought they could only give you an education, on why its bad.
They were only allowed to go after the ones who distribute.

I think that's either UK or EU rules but America always has way of getting round things like that, Mainly by buying people off.
If they'd made a better movie than that awful garbage, this wouldn't be an issue. I downloaded it, watched it for free obviously, and STILL felt ripped off. :)
it will probs cost them more money, chasing after $300 from so many people lol

That's when they increase it from $300 to $1000 or possibly more.

A work mate of mine was fined £1400 for downloading certain things, I think it was games but he didn't go into detail.

If they'd made a better movie than that awful garbage, this wouldn't be an issue. I downloaded it, watched it for free obviously, and STILL felt ripped off. :)

Then I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you might possibly be on their list.
Ah that sucks.
I actually like having film cases and stuff on my book shelf lol.. sad like that one thing ill miss when we go fully digital. And games except AAA at release are pretty cheap with steam and cd key sites. If you cant afford it dont get it lol is my moto
Then I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you might possibly be on their list.
No notification yet, and it's not something I'll lose sleep over. Fvck Hollywood and the garbage they produce. Pirates will always win out over these fools. I'm betting a lot of this was a simple publicity stunt to draw attention to a crap movie.
If you take the risk of getting caught for any of the Expendable movies you deserve to pay. What a bunch of horrible movies, fucking disgraceful.
Thats true i guess then its the movie companies fault for poor distribution.

In the long run it just hurts the companies doing witch hunts like this as more and more people will start to avoid films made by these companies.

If you take the risk of getting caught for any of the Expendable movies you deserve to pay. What a bunch of horrible movies, fucking disgraceful.

They are pretty poo, I went to see it with a few friends from work, We all left 30 minutes into it, Extremely shit.
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Good, people need to be slapped into understanding that theft is wrong, about time!

I don't think the quality of the product is a valid point, if it were everything that isn't top rate would be ok to steal, but we need low quality items so that lower income people can have a life too.
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Good, people need to be slapped into understanding that theft is wrong, about time!

I don't think the quality of the product is a valid point, if it were everything that isn't top rate would be ok to steal, but we need low quality items so that lower income people can have a life too.

It's really not about that, they should go after the person who leaked the film in the first place which I wouldn't be surprised if it was them in the first place which all the evidence does point to them, Also knowing the film would be a giant flop as it's terrible and this way they can justify being team america and policing the world handing out fines.

Also they are demanding your information if you're one of the people who downloaded, Meaning they are free to use your identity however they please which in itself in my book is beyond disgusting.

People with lots of money come up with douchebag ideas *usually douchebags themselves as well* to get more money and this one is particularly rotten.

"Leak" a film and then fine anyone who downloads it, It's a money making scheme the creators of the game "Two Worlds" tried quite a few years ago, A test build was leaked *BTW that game is beyond cack* and anyone who downloaded the test build was fined £800.

Scotland yard even got involved but the lawyers of TW had it wrapped up so tight as it was run from Switzerland, The games test build was leaked by the company to entrap people and it worked, Same story here.
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Good, people need to be slapped into understanding that theft is wrong, about time!

I don't think the quality of the product is a valid point, if it were everything that isn't top rate would be ok to steal, but we need low quality items so that lower income people can have a life too.

What? The price of an item is now an indicator for the quality of said item? Poor people don't like watching shitty movies either and that movie is probably not cheap either.
Jeez do you even read your own comments before you post them?
But your honour I didn't download it some1 must have used my unpassworded Wi-Fi to download it :)

Not that I did I saw 1 it was crap didn't bother with the other 2

PS I have gone around with my phone on Wi-Fi and found a lot of open BT Wi-Fi, I have a feeling they install it that way