I'll start this thread off, my idea is a mix of both new and old, post here hardware that you've newly discovered or sorely miss or give manufacturers a cringe worthy moment, it's just that simple.
Having seen these RAM modules a few times I have to say that they are beautiful and I put them up high on my list of perfect along side the Corsair Domi plats.
I give you the Klevv Cras
and for something old the Asus StarIce turbine cooler. Early 2000 was a great time for epicly bad solutions.
Having seen these RAM modules a few times I have to say that they are beautiful and I put them up high on my list of perfect along side the Corsair Domi plats.
I give you the Klevv Cras

and for something old the Asus StarIce turbine cooler. Early 2000 was a great time for epicly bad solutions.