Lost and Found Hardware.


I'll start this thread off, my idea is a mix of both new and old, post here hardware that you've newly discovered or sorely miss or give manufacturers a cringe worthy moment, it's just that simple.

Having seen these RAM modules a few times I have to say that they are beautiful and I put them up high on my list of perfect along side the Corsair Domi plats.

I give you the Klevv Cras



and for something old the Asus StarIce turbine cooler. Early 2000 was a great time for epicly bad solutions.
That Klevv ram was gorgeous. Kinda like the F1 of memory :)

There are a few things that have stood out and made me lust after them, and this is one. I will never own one because not only are they insanely rare they were never made or sold in the UK.

I just thought that thing was beyond lovely.

Obviously you can include all of Alienware's high end desktop units in that too, though I do own two of them :)

While the mATX and ATX form factor Rampage IV's have fallen X99-WS comes to rescue us from the absence of an elegant and furiously overpowered mATX motherboard. Thank you ASUS for getting it exactly right once more in a time of stupid PCI slot braces, overclocking buttons, RGB lights everywhere, dragons and very confused colour schemes.


Having seen these RAM modules a few times I have to say that they are beautiful and I put them up high on my list of perfect along side the Corsair Domi plats.

I give you the Klevv Cras

funnily enough, I've been slowly looking into parts for a new build and found myself over at Caseking, I was set on the domy Plats, right up until I saw the Klevv's, wow are they sexy.

Z97 Krait. One of my fave motherboards of all time. I re discovered it the other day and I've got the itch that can only be scratched by it.

The case that got me started on my current thing for Aluminium, The Powermac G5 case. By far the best thing that Apple have ever made (and the least copied). I've got mine down from the loft currently as I'm feeling like I want to mod it.

Not really my kind of thing but it always makes me chuckle just HOW tacky it is.
Barnsley i think i have seen a few mods of that floating around if i remember there wasa 24 hour mod challenge and 1 was aluminium.

Could be worth a watch, im sure they have a highlights vid too.
Not really my kind of thing but it always makes me chuckle just HOW tacky it is.

I remember the day they were released at PC World, and thinking how much I had to have one.. until I touched it.... soooo much cheap plastic. :lol: