i7 4790k voltages??


New member
i just upgraded to an intel i7 4790k and my cpu is hitting 80 degrees Celsius watching youtube, my motherboard is the gigabyte z97 gaming 7 and im using the stock heat sink (i know i need a better cooler) the voltage hit a max voltage of 1.3920 which seems far too much for the cpu
You must enter the UEFI when the system boots and go to the OC tab, change the voltage setting from Auto to something just below 1.3 volts, wouldn't recommend trying to oc the cpu since you still have the stock cooler
for now im not overclocking it even when i get a new cooler as 4.4ghz is fine for me haha and ok does anyone know the actual stock volt for the 4790k
@4.4 You should be less than 1.2 Volts, (mine is approx 1.175)
@ 4.6 you should be about 1.280V or less
@ 4.7+ you will be 1.3V (anything over 4.8 you will need over 1.3 but don't go over 1.350, that should be your limit unless you have good cooling)
I'm stable @4.6 with 1.275v, when I first installed it (I left everything to auto - as you do and it was running at 1.4v @ 4.4. No need for that higher volts - but as already stated by "YouWhat" those volts seem about right :)