Exception Code 0xc0000005 - Arkham Knight

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Hello. I know its my next topic here, previous was locked. But i want to be sure. Please dont ban me.
That was my topic with issue:


My crash details from Batman crash:

Exception Code 0xc0000005
Faulty module: msvcr100.dll

So i am telling why i created again.
Hmm i found some topic ,some user stated that hes PRIME 95 crashed with the same code exception 0xc0000005.

Prime95 crash because of unstable hardware with the same code exception 0xc0000005:


And that was because hardware was not stable. So i am thinking thay maybe my pc is unstable because it crashed with the same code in Arkham Knight or not? Please explain me last time this. Thank you , and sorry again for "spam" in forum. : ( Please explain last time.
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It's a PC, it's a technical piece of hardware and combined with a technical piece of software (windows, games, etc) there are a lot of things that can go wrong.

You need to either learn to stop worrying about things as long as your PC is running fine (like it is now), or sell it and get yourself a Playstation.
It's a PC, it's a technical piece of hardware and combined with a technical piece of software (windows, games, etc) there are a lot of things that can go wrong.

You need to either learn to stop worrying about things as long as your PC is running fine (like it is now), or sell it and get yourself a Playstation.

Or a XBox One ^_^
Look here you go, here's proof that I can easily reproduce this without broken hardware. The game is clearly buggy. Here's a shot from the exception being thrown in Visual Studio in my test project (called TestingGrounds) and the corresponding error in event viewer. IT'S THE SAME. msvcr120.dll is the standard c++ library that is shipped with Visual Studio 2013 only that one was built with VS2010.

Ok thx but can i ask about last question little offtopic about Windows 10 Automatic repair loop. So that was my closed topic:


When i ran memtest few hours without error, but after finished test i reboot pc and Automatiic repair started before windows.

After session of memtest without errors,after reboot windows shows automatic repair.

Why i am asking? Because somebody said to me:"had similar issues, replaced RAM and I have been error free since."

So its a memory related or not? What you think about it ? Thx for answer last time. I ask about this here, because i dont want to make another similiar thread. Thank you.

He said:"had similar issues, replaced RAM and I have been error free since."

But you talking about bug in windows. I am confused now.
Ok thx but can i ask about last question little offtopic about Windows 10 Automatic repair loop. So that was my closed topic:


When i ran memtest few hours without error, but after finished test i reboot pc and Automatiic repair started before windows.

After session of memtest without errors,after reboot windows shows automatic repair.

Why i am asking? Because somebody said to me:"had similar issues, replaced RAM and I have been error free since."

So its a memory related or not? What you think about it ? Thx for answer last time. I ask about this here, because i dont want to make another similiar thread. Thank you.

He said:"had similar issues, replaced RAM and I have been error free since."

But you talking about bug in windows. I am confused now.

You clearly want to do it, so why don't you RMA your RAM?
Nah i am not sure if it is ram or not. If i rma i will very long without pc. So i can buy new kit already. But i want to be sure that was ram related or not?

Because somebody said to me this:"had similar issues, replaced RAM and I have been error free since." So thats why i am confused now. Also memtest86 dont giving errors.
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No it happened once. I tried to reproduce this , run memtest, stop ,boot again windows , and no repair automatic.

still i am confused after when somebody said to me that "replaced RAM and I have been error free since."
Mate if it only happened once - you repaired your Windows installation and now it works fine then leave it be.

Don't stress about occasional errors. We all get them from time to time.
Which memory test software are you using?

Memtest86 by Passmark shouldn't effect your OS by causing Windows Repair to engage.

If you're using Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool then that could well be your issue as it is known to fall down when it runs especially with newer UEFI environments or even XMP.
I am using newest memtest86 booting from USB from www.passmark.com

Or it happened once, or it will be randomly. I dont know. I dont run memtest86 many times. So question is that was caused by ram or not?
Like i said i am confused because somebody said about replacing ram that helps him.

So trying to reproduce i run memtest86 booted from usb again, stopped test after few hours, but this time windows booted fine.
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Nah i am not sure if it is ram or not. If i rma i will very long without pc. So i can buy new kit already. But i want to be sure that was ram related or not?

Because somebody said to me this:"had similar issues, replaced RAM and I have been error free since." So thats why i am confused now. Also memtest86 dont giving errors.

Its user error.
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