Hello. I know its my next topic here, previous was locked. But i want to be sure. Please dont ban me.
That was my topic with issue:
My crash details from Batman crash:
Exception Code 0xc0000005
Faulty module: msvcr100.dll
So i am telling why i created again.
Hmm i found some topic ,some user stated that hes PRIME 95 crashed with the same code exception 0xc0000005.
Prime95 crash because of unstable hardware with the same code exception 0xc0000005:
And that was because hardware was not stable. So i am thinking thay maybe my pc is unstable because it crashed with the same code in Arkham Knight or not? Please explain me last time this. Thank you , and sorry again for "spam" in forum. : ( Please explain last time.
That was my topic with issue:
My crash details from Batman crash:
Exception Code 0xc0000005
Faulty module: msvcr100.dll
So i am telling why i created again.
Hmm i found some topic ,some user stated that hes PRIME 95 crashed with the same code exception 0xc0000005.
Prime95 crash because of unstable hardware with the same code exception 0xc0000005:
And that was because hardware was not stable. So i am thinking thay maybe my pc is unstable because it crashed with the same code in Arkham Knight or not? Please explain me last time this. Thank you , and sorry again for "spam" in forum. : ( Please explain last time.
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