Fetchez La Vache
New member
"Aerodynamics (optimised drivers) are for those who can't build engines (Megahertz)" - Enzo Ferrari, probably....if he built PC's
I've been stuck with an anaemic Quadro K2000 for 18months and my AutoCAD & 3Ds MAX workflow is suffering with large assemblies/drawings/highpoly scenes causing it to hit a brick wall and viewport performace slows to a crawl (plus the drivers for AutoCAD are awful), a problem that I don't get with my GTX 760 or any Geforce card I have had in the last decade. I also have little use the the other "professional" features on Quadro cards, if I do any print work/artworking the colours are profiled externally and the Quadro drivers are an utter mess. At one point if I wanted the certified drivers for AutoCAD i would lose hardware acceleration in Illustrator.
So I put a 980Ti in my workstation.....
The plan is to use Unreal Engine for animations/real time demonstrations which won't work well with the Quadro and Corona Renderer/iRay for large format still rendered images. While it won't speed up Corona which is CPU based it will make a massive difference for iRay, especially with the 6Gb of Vram as it is GPU based.
Case airflow in the T7610 is expectedly bad - it idles at 37 degrees and gets up into the high 70's pretty quickly (the room is probably 18-22 degrees).
I also discovered that you can overvolt and overclock a Quadro - Who knew?
I've been stuck with an anaemic Quadro K2000 for 18months and my AutoCAD & 3Ds MAX workflow is suffering with large assemblies/drawings/highpoly scenes causing it to hit a brick wall and viewport performace slows to a crawl (plus the drivers for AutoCAD are awful), a problem that I don't get with my GTX 760 or any Geforce card I have had in the last decade. I also have little use the the other "professional" features on Quadro cards, if I do any print work/artworking the colours are profiled externally and the Quadro drivers are an utter mess. At one point if I wanted the certified drivers for AutoCAD i would lose hardware acceleration in Illustrator.
So I put a 980Ti in my workstation.....
The plan is to use Unreal Engine for animations/real time demonstrations which won't work well with the Quadro and Corona Renderer/iRay for large format still rendered images. While it won't speed up Corona which is CPU based it will make a massive difference for iRay, especially with the 6Gb of Vram as it is GPU based.
Case airflow in the T7610 is expectedly bad - it idles at 37 degrees and gets up into the high 70's pretty quickly (the room is probably 18-22 degrees).
I also discovered that you can overvolt and overclock a Quadro - Who knew?