d5 vario pump not pumping!


New member
My xspc d5 pump making all the right noises but no water is moving, when I first turned it on the water went down then I got a leak turned it off fixed the leak. Now i can hear the pump and water sounds like it's swirling inside the res but nothing is going down the tubes!

Is it clucked?

Sussed it when I fixed the leak I tipped the radiator to one side to get rid of the water and it created a big air bubble once i'd tipped the water back over the pump started pumping!
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Sorry a bit late...

You shouldn't ever really have this situation. The pump should be pulling directly from the res - with you topping up as needed, so it never goes dry - while pushing into the rad to ensure it fills cleanly. This method should greatly help, though of course you'll always get the odd air locks, but it should never be in your pump.

Possibly I've misunderstood your post, either way best of luck! :)
