Asus GPU TweakII User defined fan Control


New member
I just wrote a nice long post which was deleted when I tried to submit it, I will try again.
In short,
Just bought an Asus GTX 570 directcu II. I want to use the Asus GPU tweak utility in particular the user defined fan graph under Professional mode/Fanspeed/userdefined/stings (gear) icon.
When I get there though I get a little hand that appears on the graph around the 10 degree 10% fan speed mark, but I cant move or change or make new settings.
Is there something I'm missing when it comes to making custom fan settings with this graph. I'm really only interested in mild over clocking but I'd like the card to run cool. IN the heat from this hot summer it's running (with some mild over clocking) at 60oC but the fan is only at 21%,23%. I can change that with smart Doc but I really like the graph idea and only using the one program, would be great for me as well.
I'd tried a quick look trough the forums last night and tonight and couldn't find anything. And I've gotten some very good advice on these forums in the past....
Don't know what ur missing i got sugestion take it or leave it ur call do ur self a favour and buy a god damm fan controller hook it up then u can control fan on the fly rather then trying to switch fan settings while gaming not a good mix believe me i tried u end up dead
Don't know what ur missing i got sugestion take it or leave it ur call do ur self a favour and buy a god damm fan controller hook it up then u can control fan on the fly rather then trying to switch fan settings while gaming not a good mix believe me i tried u end up dead

Fan controllers don't tend to work on GPU's out of the box.

O.P. - I use GPU Tweak 2 but keep the fans on stock (They're zero RPM until 60 degrees) I'll muck around with it when I get home unless you find your answer here first.