Alienware M17X R3 upgrade to M290X


New member
Hey there lads,

I am having some trouble with my upgrade decision. Essentially I have thought that just like with desktops I will be able to easily upgrade my laptop... NOPE!

This laptop was rocking a 560M previously, however I have decided to strap a M290X to it. I did manage to get it working by updating to the latest Alienware unlocked BIOS and tweaking some settings.
My problems is that the GPU fan will not spin at all while the laptop is ON. Yes I can control it with a 3rd party software, however I prefer that the fans would work automatically as when you are not in Windows you are baking your laptop.
The fan is not faulty as was tested by swapping with CPU fan. Also GPU fan spins with custom HWiNFO curve and while performing a BIOS flash as both of them ramp up to 100%.

Any suggestion on what could be modified, tweaked and so on for this to work properly?

PS, if to be believed the M290X 4GB card is from a new Alienware 17 series laptop launched sometime in 2013.

Alienware M17X R3
BIOS A12 (unlocked)
Intel i7-2670QM
nVidia 560M (stock GPU)
AMD R9 M290X (upgrade)
Samsung EVO
Stock power brick

Thank you for your time.
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The fan most likely needs 12 volts to turn at the correct rpm. and it's probably getting only 5. Most 12 volt fans need a minimum of 7 volts to turn, so you can rewire it so it gets the 7 it needs, or even so it gets the 12 it wants. I am not certain, but there may be a software fix for it as well, but I cannot speak to that point as I am more hardware oriented.

With laptops, I have always opted for replacement over upgrading.
The fan most likely needs 12 volts to turn at the correct rpm. and it's probably getting only 5. Most 12 volt fans need a minimum of 7 volts to turn, so you can rewire it so it gets the 7 it needs, or even so it gets the 12 it wants. I am not certain, but there may be a software fix for it as well, but I cannot speak to that point as I am more hardware oriented.

With laptops, I have always opted for replacement over upgrading.

Thanks for the option, but that would be my last resort in making a total Frankenstein :)
The fan gets the power it needs and spin up in specific situations (read next quote).

PS, I prefer laptops at this point of my life as I do move around, lack space, and need a device that can travel even tho its on a chunky side. A desktop will be an option for me only in a year or two. But knowing myslef I would spend all of my days tweaking it and upgrading it as I am a perfectionist geek and never be satisfied. I rather spend that time on motorcycle upgrades. :)

Why not just set it in the bios to spin up when its temp rises and slow down when temps fall?

I have looked in the bios and there is no such option as far as I have seen sadly :/ There is however options to tweak CPU fan speeds, etc.
The fan itself works... but only while BIOS flashing as both of them ramp up to 100%. And the other case is when I use HWiNFO and play around in the "Sensors" menu, in that case I can set custom fan curves. The problem is that its only good as long as you have that menu/software open and you are in windows.
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Exactly so keep the software open. Just have it set to startup with Windows and start minimized in the windows tray. Set it and forget it.