Zotac GTX 980Ti Arctic Storm RushKit


The Guvnor
Staff member

Today we have a first look at the Zotac GTX 980Ti Arctic Storm, an Air Cooled GPU which also contains a full cover water block.

Zotac GTX 980Ti Arctic Storm RushKit
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Zotac got auto-derped to Zalman.

Very excited for this card! Based on your comments on the block quality I dropped the bones and ordered one from SabrePC.
Yeah gotta say I quite like it. Shame about the barbs though...

You can remove them and most likely slap a typical G1/4" fitting in with low thread e.g. EK of BP. Not much point putting fancy barbs on them when its a high chance you will replace them anyway.
Uncommon threads

Yes zotac told showed me a picture of their barb fittings that clearly shows that the thread size is M18 and supports 3/8 soft tubing only, I've been trying to look around for an adapter so I can use G1/4 fittings but no use, if anyone knows of a place that sells M18 threaded compression fittings please let me know :)
They Done this to stop people removing the barbs and they told me that if I was to remove them my warranty will be void.
I need to dispell some bs in this thread.

Zotac does not void your warranty if you remove the barb in a proper way:

If you ask, they are more than happy to offer a step by step of how to replace the barb.

Which I have done:

This is what I replaced the barb with: https://www.frozencpu.com/products/...apter_90_G14_Black.html?id=RApSR7N6&mv_pc=313

I did this all the month the AS was released, so its been a while. Maybe support has gotten more picky, but the replacement was easy, just had to be careful with the leak test after.
Let me know if any of you have questions.