Why flash to lastest bios? Any advantages?


New member
I know it might sound like a silly question, but I am wondering what the advantages are? Are there more options? Better incrememnts for OC'ing? what is the main difference? Or are all the settings preset for your cpu/ram/mb combination?

BTW I’m not sure what bios version the PG6.00 3/10/05 on the NF4 Ultra-D is. Any ideas?

Thanks guys
On most boards its just to enhance compatability with new hardware or fix issues with existing hardware.

Companies like DFI however, do release BIOS's just to increase performance and overclockability :)
Wirelessly posted (Nextel BB7520: BlackBerry7520/4.0.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1)

The main reason too upgrade is to extend compatibility of new cpu's and fix other hardware glitches.

New versions also seem to create new issues but usually less critical than the bios u upgraded from.

As jim mentioned dfi bios's usually have enhanced overclockability. We're also lucky because we have people on the front line writing custom bios's for dfi that really take overclocking to the final frontier.

I suggest having a look at the Oscar Wu modded bios's if ur thinking about doing an update as they produce the highest clocks more often than not.
Wirelessly posted (Nextel BB7520: BlackBerry7520/4.0.2 Profile/MIDP-2.0 Configuration/CLDC-1.1)

Oh yeah one last quick thing. If u look in the amd moo section (I think that's where it is) Tec posted up a download for a bootable cd with all of the best bios's on it.

Makes for an uber easy way to update and try them all out to find which works best with your setup.

I'm using the latest official DFI release (based on an Oscar Wu beta) Runs very nice.

Deffo worth upgrading your BIOS as new CPU's are supported, more options added and in-BIOS Memtest86+ is regualarly upgraded :)
Thanks for the reply guys. I always tend to see it as, if your mobo works fine dont upgrade. I have been playing around for the first time with oCing, and if it helps with my oCing then why not.

Now the other silly question is, which bios is best or at least proven to help with oCing and system stability.

My current bios version is the PG6.00 3/10/05 on the NF4 Ultra-D board. I don't even know what version it is.

Thanks again guys
Sadly I'm using a Geil value PC3200 dual channel kit. Just started testing it and it;s hit 223mhz on stock. I'm hoping to achieve 2.7 on Opty 146, but this ram is sure to hold me back.
Overclocking and system stability all depends on your memory chips ( when only considering which bios is best for DFI ) as if you look at the cd i posted has 3 versions of the same bios file and purpose is to serve better timings for different memory chips. Then again overclocking DFI motherboard is not a simple click and go task so you have to try and spend some time with it. Once you find the needed timings it will be fast and stable considering your hardware handles it well.

I think I will play around with my current bois and see how far it takes me. Thanks again guys and wish me luck