What would you do?


Well-known member
OK so I've got a bit of a situation here. First let me explain something.. I'm not the richest man in the world. In fact, to the contrary I don't have money to throw away. I know that by looking at the amount of hardware I own it would seem I'm quite well off, but I simply don't have any vices that cost me cash.

I don't drink, ever (I can't due to the meds I take, I don't fancy being dead) and a couple of years back I packed up smoking and switched to vaping which costs me about £6 per week.

I also don't go out of the house much due to my illness.. So that's basically why I own so much hardware. Where as you guys would go out with your mates on benders and drink etc I don't do any of that.

So last year I was running my humble "all AMD" rig. I had a 8320 overclocked and a 7990 that my lady bought me for my 40th birthday. Obviously it was no killer, but more than good enough.

Then out of the blue I came into some money and for once had the option to go all out buying a rig. I've not done this since 1999 because I've not been in a financial position to do so, and even if I were I would have had other more pressing responsibilities.

So I decided to dump £3.5k into a rig. I bought the best of everything that I could afford and decided not to wait for X99, securing a 3970x on Ebay for £310. I'm glad I waited, as the 3970x turned out to be a very good chip.

Recently though as you will know if you've read my posts the board I was using (MSI BBXPII) died, leaving me with a core clock of 1.1ghz under load.

MSI have not been helpful, only absent, and the company I bought the board from don't have any X79 boards in stock any more, let alone the one I bought. I've tried to get answers from MSI about whether they hold working stock of the board I have but they have ignored me.

So I'm not feeling very hopeful that I will get a replacement back right now, given their complete ignorance of my situation (and knowing that they know about it but have chosen not to bother has fucking annoyed me I will admit !).

So I gutted a fully working Hackintosh and put the board and CPU into my main rig. It's an engineering sample of a 8 core 16 thread Ivy CPU clocked to 2ghz. I'm really not that fussed about getting the Hackintosh running again as I basically had my fun with it and don't really need it any more.

What has surprised me very much though is that the 8 core Xeon is pumping out FPS just as good, or even better, than my 3970x leading me to believe that at 4k at least I really don't need anything better. It really is that good.

So my options are as follows.

1. Leave the rig alone and let bygones be bygones. If and when I get a replacement MSI board sell the board and CPU or even box it up and keep it in the wardrobe as spare parts.

2. Spend £380 or so on a Rampage Black and put the 3970x back in, even though CPU performance doesn't really seem that important at the resolution I run.

When I bought the rig I did so to have the best of everything I could afford. I can afford to buy the Rampage in a couple of weeks but tbh? been there done that. Easily brushed aside the 5820k in pretty much every benchmark due to the clocks I could achieve. I seem to be gaming less and less as I get older, making me feel like tbh? I would rather just spend the money on something else other than computers.

Sorry for the long post. Looking forward to any advice :)
You should take a look at the Asus x79 WS-E it's a great board, and should be a bit cheaper than the Rampage it should also last you a lot of years too!
[Else you could go for something cheaper and take a look at asrock's boards]
The issue with that board is that it would look ridiculous in my rig. Everything is black and orange. Same goes for the RIVE, it's black and red.

Money isn't really the issue here it's just whether I can be bothered to put the 3970x back in. So far the Xeon has done absolutely everything I have asked of it.

I mean seriously I can go on holiday with that money.
I'd pester MSI to get me that board replacement even more. Speak to an MSI rep if you haven't already. They may be able to help ;)
Ive done a review on a 36 Core xeon set up vs a heavily clocked rampage 4 and pretty much every game ran significantly better on the Rampage with the higher clockspeed vs 36 Cores at 3ghz.

End of the day its really down to what you wanna do with your money fella - some of us just want the best we can get. If youre happy with the xeon then youll be selling the titans etc next.

Its a slippery slope all the way down to the Xbone
I'm just getting older is all dude. Getting to the point where I just can't be arsed.

4k performance wise I am very happy with the rig. I'd only really bother putting the 3970x back in so I can use a better board.

But yeah, games don't seem to suffer at all which is why I'm wondering if it's worth it. Plus summer is soon to be here and I've got a lovely bike I want to be riding :)

I think I will leave it for now. Maybe just see what MSI choose to do first instead of panic buying a board.

I think this will be the last high end rig I will buy though. I doubt I'll stop gaming but I think I will just wait on bargains now. The recent prices of the 290x have been awesome.
I'm just getting older is all dude. Getting to the point where I just can't be arsed.

The recent prices of the 290x have been awesome.

Well I have 2.75 years until i'm 50 i'll always strive to make my rig better matey :) I think you would be better off waiting for MSI's response 1st I have little faith in the e-tailer you bought it from but that's my personal point of view.

As for the R9 290x prices I got the Sapphire Vapor x from Aria for £275 delivered less than a month ago and i'm so happy with it ^_^

Xbone is just a swear word :D
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Get the X79 system up and running again you are losing a lot of performance !!!

Just ran Heaven 4 @2160p on a 5960X @2.0ghz and @4.0ghz

I lost about 15% in performance @2.0ghz but the worst thing was the stutter and screen tearing with the CPU @2.0ghz
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Get the X79 system up and running again you are losing a lot of performance !!!

Just ran Heaven 4 @2160p on a 5960X @2.0ghz and @4.0ghz

I lost about 15% in performance @2.0ghz but the worst thing was the stutter and screen tearing with the CPU @2.0ghz

Well see that's the thing dude I'm not getting any stutter or tears. Seriously I know it's hard to believe but what would I have to gain by lying unless I was trying to sell the Xeon? (which I can't by law as it's a ES and I shouldn't even really have it)

When I originally bought the Xeon I only did so because I got it so cheap. I was hovering around on Ebay and offered the guy £100 and he took it. I found the board (UD3) about a week later for £50 brand new.

When I first got it I fitted it into my AMD rig and in the only game bench I ran it beat my AMD.

That's why this is so hard. If I'd loss a ton of performance the answer would be very clear cut. But if anything I've gained FPS in GTAV.

Gavbon mentioned that the new consoles have lots of very slow cores and I'm beginning to wonder if there is something to what he said.

I know I'm losing clock speed but I've gained IPC and PCIE 3.0

Seriously, in Prime 95 I get 30c on the hottest core.
Ive done a review on a 36 Core xeon set up vs a heavily clocked rampage 4 and pretty much every game ran significantly better on the Rampage with the higher clockspeed vs 36 Cores at 3ghz.

End of the day its really down to what you wanna do with your money fella - some of us just want the best we can get. If youre happy with the xeon then youll be selling the titans etc next.

Its a slippery slope all the way down to the Xbone

seems like a slightly harsh opinion, but i do understand what you are saying.
but in this day and age a GPU is the primary power house for games. obviously you wont be downgrading to a pentium D and expecting solid frames with a pair of titans.. but there has to be a happy balance.
I think its a Bit of a jump to go from using the xeon as it can do the job just fine to ending up at xbox one..
Just got back from a 4 day holiday.

I decided to look around for a second hand board and a RIVE has come up for £120 so I've bought that.

Every other PC I use has an Asus board and tbh I really don't feel good about using anything else.

One thing is for certain I am never buying MSI again. Not anything, even if their GPUs are good. If I wanted pony customer service I would go down the market.
Just got back from a 4 day holiday.

I decided to look around for a second hand board and a RIVE has come up for £120 so I've bought that.

Every other PC I use has an Asus board and tbh I really don't feel good about using anything else.

One thing is for certain I am never buying MSI again. Not anything, even if their GPUs are good. If I wanted pony customer service I would go down the market.

RIVE is about as good as it gets for X79, a very good board indeed.
RIVE is about as good as it gets for X79, a very good board indeed.

Yeah true. I absolutely adore my Crosshair V FZ. Shame it's got red bits all over it but hey, £120 I really can't argue. They still sell for £270 new.

I installed Witcher 3 today. I can't even get 30 FPS even on medium settings so I think the CPU is definitely holding it back. Crap game though.
Its not really all that multi-threaded I thought?

No idea but remember I am running 2ghz clock.

However, I did notice that a new driver was launched on Monday the day before it came out so I am installing that now. It could be that SLI won't work without this driver.