What is the best 970?


New member
I am looking to purchase a 970 soon, however I have no idea what one to go with.
As far as I am aware the G1 Gaming is still the king but please share your thoughts with me.

I am looking for sheer performance and overclock potential.
From reviews I have read and from things I have read from people the Gigabyte G1 is the best overall 970. You can't go wrong with any of the non reference cards from the major brands though, they are all pretty good except for EVGA because of the misaligned heatsink (this may be fixed in the future) and Inno 3D which apparently run hot and louder than the rest.

Asus, Zotac, Gigabyte, MSI and the Palit jetstream are all good. The rest are good as well, just not as good as those.
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My vote goes to the MSI gaming 970, I do like the G1 buts in too plain and the LED is bright blue the colour scheme on the MSI gaming is much nicer and the led is white and can be controlled in geforce experience.

The card is also deadly silent and and overclocks like a beast
Hm, I am either going to go with the G1 Gaming or the Strix variant. From what I've read they basically perform the same.
Thanks for the help guys :)
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Hm, I am either going to go with the G1 Gaming or the Strix variant. From what I've read they basically perform the same.
Thanks for the help guys :)

You cant go wrong with either of those cards.

Thats the only downside to the MSI card and I cant think of why they would have neglected to add a backplate as I would have gladly paid a little extra to have one just to cool the vrm on the back.