What is Framerate in Gaming?


News Guru
The frame rate debate has been going on for many years now, but many people are yet to see the light. Here is an article showing and describing the benefits of higher framerates.


Read more on the importance of framerate in gaming here.
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Nice article, I really enjoyed reading it.

While I prefer 60FPS, I don't mind 30FPS too much, but I guess that's just 8+ years of playing on consoles speaking. Though I have to say Skyrim feels a lot smoother on PC.
I was one of those that poo poo'd the 120 Hz craze thinking it wouldnt make that big a difference. I still to this day dont like 120 Hz TV's as it makes the movement in movies and stuff look a little too weird.

That said, I recently bought this BenQ XL2720Z 144 Hz monitor and Im here to tell ya, there will be no going back. For the first time in my gaming career, Im actually turning settings DOWN willfully in order to keep the frame rates as close to 144 as possible. I was shocked at how much of a difference it makes and how much better it makes the game play and image quality. I have a 60 Hz 1280x720 monitor that I use for all my monitoring programs and it is a total night and day difference when I move stuff even as small as the cursor over to that screen than back to my beloved BenQ.

So while Im fine with <60 Hz for TV's and movies, I dont think I could ever go back to <120 Hz for gaming and Im 43 years old with bad eyes!! :D
I was one of those that poo poo'd the 120 Hz craze thinking it wouldnt make that big a difference. I still to this day dont like 120 Hz TV's as it makes the movement in movies and stuff look a little too weird.

That said, I recently bought this BenQ XL2720Z 144 Hz monitor and Im here to tell ya, there will be no going back. For the first time in my gaming career, Im actually turning settings DOWN willfully in order to keep the frame rates as close to 144 as possible. I was shocked at how much of a difference it makes and how much better it makes the game play and image quality. I have a 60 Hz 1280x720 monitor that I use for all my monitoring programs and it is a total night and day difference when I move stuff even as small as the cursor over to that screen than back to my beloved BenQ.

So while Im fine with <60 Hz for TV's and movies, I dont think I could ever go back to <120 Hz for gaming and Im 43 years old with bad eyes!! :D

I'm the opposite, While 144Hz monitors are nice to me it's not really a big thing, Happy with 60Hz :)
I'm the opposite, While 144Hz monitors are nice to me it's not really a big thing, Happy with 60Hz :)

Yeah its all a personal preference. There are some downsides like there being a boat load of games with 60 FPS caps like the Batman games which happen to be what I play 90% of the time. Image quality while extremely good on my BenQ isnt as good as on a higher end IPS/PLS for the same price (~550). But for me, the super smooth motion and the zero lag and response time make it a must have for me. Plus all I do with my rig is internet and gaming. If youre going more production type duties then 144 Hz wouldnt be as important.
Yeah its all a personal preference. There are some downsides like there being a boat load of games with 60 FPS caps like the Batman games which happen to be what I play 90% of the time. Image quality while extremely good on my BenQ isnt as good as on a higher end IPS/PLS for the same price (~550). But for me, the super smooth motion and the zero lag and response time make it a must have for me. Plus all I do with my rig is internet and gaming. If youre going more production type duties then 144 Hz wouldnt be as important.

Go to the games configuration files location which is usually in "My Documents".

Open DefaultEngine.ini with notepad, Search and change "bSmoothFrameRate" from "TRUE" to "FALSE" or you can raise "MaxSmoothedFrameRate" to the refresh rate of your monitor.

Save it and you're good to go .

This works on all Batman Arkham games :)
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I approve :D

Hey guys the know it all approves.. so the article is all correct! :)

My monitor is OC'd to 75hz, was hoping to spot at least a tiny tiny difference between the 60hz and 120hz circles but couldn't. Was thinking of seeing one respond quicker but they were identical. Great Article WYP:)
Hey guys the know it all approves.. so the article is all correct! :)

My monitor is OC'd to 75hz, was hoping to spot at least a tiny tiny difference between the 60hz and 120hz circles but couldn't. Was thinking of seeing one respond quicker but they were identical. Great Article WYP:)

You really need to be in the 90Hz range to properly notice a difference, From experience anyway.
Hey guys the know it all approves.. so the article is all correct! :)

My monitor is OC'd to 75hz, was hoping to spot at least a tiny tiny difference between the 60hz and 120hz circles but couldn't. Was thinking of seeing one respond quicker but they were identical. Great Article WYP:)

Lol, nothing to do with knowing anything. It was a great article that really got the point across. It's been hard in my experience to explain to people in the past from a gamer's point of view.
Also has a lot to do what types of games you play. I play a lot of csgo and having a high fps and a 144hz monitor are i could almost say needed in order to have a decent gaming experience. Once you go 144hz you'll never be going back to 60hz the difference is just immense, on 60hz just looks like a constant stutter.
Also has a lot to do what types of games you play. I play a lot of csgo and having a high fps and a 144hz monitor are i could almost say needed in order to have a decent gaming experience. Once you go 144hz you'll never be going back to 60hz the difference is just immense, on 60hz just looks like a constant stutter.

For games like CSGO yes but for FPS games like Crysis or RPG's like The Witcher etc... the higher Hz counter doesn't really make much difference from experience.
For games like CSGO yes but for FPS games like Crysis or RPG's like The Witcher etc... the higher Hz counter doesn't really make much difference from experience.

Even for games like that it can make a difference because all motion will be much smoother. Hell even my mouse cursor looks a whole lot better when I compare it by scrolling from the BenQ over to my 60 Hz secondary screen. It almost looks like its messed up or skipping or something. LOL!

I was actually just playing Crysis 3 a couple hours ago and its quite nice. I never thought Id want to turn down settings in games as gorgeous as Crysis 3 but I have to admit Id rather trade off some eye candy for that smooth 100+ frame rate.
It really just depends and also personal preference to each person. For me I don't find it useful. I don't play FPS/Shooter games. I'm more of a RPG, Strategy, MMO(like F2P) gamer so the high refresh rate isn't really needed. Especially for MMOs where ping is more of a concern generally