Static prevention for desk build


Active member
Wasn't sure if I have put this in the right section but I'd really like some feedback before I delve deeper.

Currently I am building a pc desk, thought it would be fun to take a cheap old IKEA desk and modify it to house a pc. The desk is made of pine would and my plan was to line the inside with white plexiglass and a glass top to show off what's inside.

The motherboard was also going to be fixed to a horizontal sheet of plexi which was raised slightly with standoffs allowing me to run all the necessary cables hidden underneath this motherboard. I feel I am maybe being too risky here due to the chance of static build up.

Since the desk is all wood my concern is how to prevent static buildup/discharge or how I can earth this safely.

Since I am at work I can't really provide a picture so I hope you can visualise my dilemma


The best way I can show it is with this video

At 2min 16sec you can see he has the mobo simply resting on the wood. The difference for me is that mine will be raised off the wood laying on acrylic.

Am I ok here or do I have to switch to a metallic tray to assist with earthing? I really wanted to avoid using any metallic parts so I could keep a warm touch to the project.

Appreciate your comments. Hopefully they aren't too brutal ;)
It was my understanding that the components would be grounded as long as its connected to the motherboard and the motherboard is connected to a grounded PSU. So you wouldnt have to worry about static. The there is that old saying where you should touch the back of the case before toughing the components. So I could be completely off, as I am not 100% sure so probably better to wait for someone more knowledgeable to arrive ;)

No one here is going to post any brutal comments based on your OP haha. We all make mistakes, its part of being human. Or so they say. (not that I am saying there are any mistakes)
It was my understanding that the components would be grounded as long as its connected to the motherboard and the motherboard is connected to a grounded PSU. So you wouldnt have to worry about static. The there is that old saying where you should touch the back of the case before toughing the components. So I could be completely off, as I am not 100% sure so probably better to wait for someone more knowledgeable to arrive ;)

This is exactly my understanding too! But since I am not confident enough to continue yet, id rather wait for more feedback. One thing that left me unsure was when B_negative mentioned in his InWin build log about the mobo tray preventing static.
it will be grounded via the psu.. but it wont really be sheilded from rf interferance.
that really shouldnt matter/affect you much though..

but if you open up pretty much any console all that metal plating arround the inside isnt for grounding its for rf sheilding.