Something @ E22?


New member
I'm wondering if anybody else is experiencing trouble with E22 who's ordered with them over the past two months? Thing is I ordered a whole bunch of cable combs from their website for an upcoming build on January 8th, but haven't received them yet. It's been two months now so I am wondering how this can be possible.. When reviewing my order on their website it says it's been dispatched. Never received a tracking number of some sort or any shipping confirmation email, don't know if they usually send one.

Yesterday I decided to send them an email with this question, but I got a reply back from my mail client telling me the email 'is being delayed, no need to resend your mail' ?..

Anybody else over here who's ordered with them directly in 2015? Have you ran into any trouble or did everything go as it is supposed to go? I'm just hoping my package didn't go limbo :/

Hi Asper!

I am sorry that your order did not reach you, all of our deliveries are sent via Royal mail 1st class or air mail and sadly do not come with tracking information.

If you let me know your order number I will get a replacement sent out for you this afternoon.

For the emails, I am not sure what is going on as I have been receiving mails across all of our accounts just fine. If you have an error message that I can forward onto my web team for investigation that would be great!

Thanks for your order and sorry again it didn't reach you!

Hi Nate, wow many thanks for your instant reply :o

My order number was 3625, it contained a bunch of small cable combs of different sizes.

As for the email, this is the reply I got from '':

This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.



Delivery to the following recipients has been delayed.

That's all it said with my own email in attachment, not sure if your web team can do anything with this though.

Thanks you once again for the instant reply and given solution :D
No worries Asper, thats all packed for despatch today for you so should be with you next week now.

For the email i am not sure if thats on my end or yours but the devs will look into it!
Heard good things about E22 and its just been echoed by the man himself!

Good stuffs mate, all the best to you.

Asperatis, hope you receive your goods soon.