[Solved] Solved check


New member
I would like to suggest a solved tick/check available to the one that start the thread.
E.g recently I had gpu problems. Members helped me fix it now i was thinking it would be nice if the forums have some way the other members with the same problem know that i solved my problem.
So when they scroll they see solve (like some other forums on the internet).
That would be a nice addition to the forum, for the people that are going to reply to the thread as for those who are searching for answers could see that the thread has already been solved.
But the user who have started the thread has to have the option to unmark the thread if the issue occurs again, in that way you don't have to spam the forum with new threads.
Agreed it would be nice to prevent the thread necros as well however if anyone has a similar issue and they read through the thread they'd see you solved your problems.

Maybe in the support forums it would be a more useful feature as opposed to the general forums. Mods can always close a thread but really you'd only do that to prevent spam or people that just won't take no for an answer.
Yeah. The forum would be cleaner because there won't be multiply threads for similar problems.
Tags need to be compulsory when creating a new thread. This will insure that you get as many results for your problem and save time on waiting for answer that are perhaps already on the forums
1) No-one that comes and asks those questions uses the search function anyway so it won't 'solve' anything (get it?! GET IT?!)

2) Current forum iteration isn't being iterated on.. period.

If your question was answered go to the OP and change the title, and prefix it with '[Solved]' if you must. I've gone ahead and done it for you on this one. You're welcome.