Hi fellas!
I've got the upgrade itch real bad lately, and I need you to convince me one way or the other. I'm really unsure what to do. On the one hand, It feels like a bad time to upgrade, but on the other hand, I'm still running a 2500k damn it! It's been almost 5 years since my last upgrade from Conroe E6600 to Sandy.
One and a half years ago I built my first water cooled system. The mobo, CPU and memory I took from my Sandy build, only the GPU was upgraded to a 780 GTX OC. It was a great experience, and I learned a lot, but I'm kinda sick of the platform and have some ideas around a new liquid build that I want to try out.
I know I want to go with X99 for the looks and the +2 cores (I'm a dev). What I'm not sure about is the following:
Thanks in advance!
I've got the upgrade itch real bad lately, and I need you to convince me one way or the other. I'm really unsure what to do. On the one hand, It feels like a bad time to upgrade, but on the other hand, I'm still running a 2500k damn it! It's been almost 5 years since my last upgrade from Conroe E6600 to Sandy.
One and a half years ago I built my first water cooled system. The mobo, CPU and memory I took from my Sandy build, only the GPU was upgraded to a 780 GTX OC. It was a great experience, and I learned a lot, but I'm kinda sick of the platform and have some ideas around a new liquid build that I want to try out.
I know I want to go with X99 for the looks and the +2 cores (I'm a dev). What I'm not sure about is the following:
- Might it be better to wait for Broadwell-E? It feels kinda silly to upgrade to Haswell-E 1.5 years after it's release. I guess Broadwell will not change much and it's still kinda far away; who knows really? On the other hand, the motherboard I'd like to get is the Rampage V Extreme. It is already quite an old board and possibly not as future proof anymore? Maybe ASUS will release a Rampage VI Extreme along with Broadwell-E? My main annoyance with the R5E is that it sports only a single M.2 slot and it's not PCIe 3.0 (I know you can get an adapter, but that might look off).
- With Haswell, I'd pick a 5820K. Broadwell-E might bring an 8 core at a lower price point than the current 5960X though?
Thanks in advance!