

New member
hi , every one new to this ,
so yes lots of questions so please be patient with me
first q: just built my first pc, need help to finish off
hi , yes i did , until some little sh-----s decided that because thay couldn't nick it that would burn the shed down with the bike inside


ok specs
case nzxt phantom 630 white
i7 4790k
mobo asus maximus vii formula watch dogs edition
16gb of blitz mem ddr-3 2133
gigabyte windforce g1 gtx970
2x samsung 840 evo 250gb
1x wd black 1tb hdd
2x seagate 2tb external hdd
1x wd 1tb external hdd
3x samsung 32inch tv's 5790x1080p
corsair h80i
corsair ax860i
first question is have i built a lemon ?
i am looking to watercool and overclock , when i learn how
if specs are any good , i think it needs something to finish it off but havn't got a clue any advice
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ok specs
case nzxt phantom 630 white
i7 4790k
mobo asus maximus vii formula watch dogs edition
16gb of blitz mem ddr-3 2133
gigabyte windforce g1 gtx970
2x samsung 840 evo 250gb
1x wd black 1tb hdd
2x seagate 2tb external hdd
1x wd 1tb external hdd
3x samsung 32inch tv's 5790x1080p
corsair h80i
corsair ax860i
first question is have i built a lemon ?
i am looking to watercool and overclock , when i learn how
if specs are any good , i think it needs something to finish it off but havn't got a clue any advice

In my eyes, I see nothing wrong here lol... other than the CPU cooler, it's not bad, just personal preference in my eyes. I'd gone with the H100i instead, although not sure of what your budget were. And since you're looking into custom watercooling, was probably better to go with the cheaper option as a temporary solution.

That's just what I can think off anyway...

How's that 970 working out for ya?, are you one of the lucky ones to not have coil whine on yours? (I previously had 2 ASUS 970 Strix's ones and both had coil whine :(

Ohh... and welcome to the forums dude! :D
hi, not sue how to test the g1 but I have used the heaven benchmark and no noise at all the only noise I get is from the h80 fans well loud, I did get some corsair sp120 quiet edition to replace them but didn't know that we're only 3 pin need 4 pin to use them with corsair link for the fan control for the rpm so the new ones would be on full blast all the time.
I did do the 3d mark vantage and I got
p score of 42062
graphic score of 47555
and cpu score of 31283
and that's all setting left on standard
and no overclocking is that any good thanks
Umm... I assume you don't have the H80i?... as I have the H100i and I have the SP120 Quet ones and they work fine with the 3 pin connectors.

And do you have a game, something like Battlefield or, that is a bit more heavy on the graphics card?... run it and open up your side panel, listen if you hear a buzzing sound like a bee or like tinnitus, like a higher pitching frequenzy. If you do, then that's probably coil whine :(
Not sure if you got last message so will do it again lol
I do have the h80i and games I have are far cry 4 and watch dogs
Not sure if you got last message so will do it again lol
I do have the h80i and games I have are far cry 4 and watch dogs

Sorry, missed reading between the lines there... okay, so you have the H80i, it should work with 3 pin connectors.
And those are good games, run them and listen... if you don't hear anything, we've got us a lucky 970 winner :p
hi every one can any one tell me wots going on with the gtx970's ???
yep ive got one lol
can you tell me if is true that i can send it back or is it worth keeping it .
wots the hole deal do's any one know thanks
Best to contact wherever you bought it from. The manufacturer probably won't help you though. Any more questions, you may want to make a new thread :p