Sapphire 390 vs MSI GTX 980 Ti Gaming

bb gun

New member
hey guys, im deciding between two GPU's to buy.

Its either Sapphire 390 Nitro and MSI GTX 980 Ti Gaming

Sapphire 390 Nitro
-Will enable me my Freesync support on my monitor
-Can run modern games (while not all) on Ultra with 50+FPS
-Has 8 GB VRAM (altough not that useful since I dont run it at 4K for modern games)

-Will get old soon (and by old I mean wont be able to keep up with new games at ultra Settings @ 1440p at 60+ FPS)
-Going with this one, I would only use it as a placeholder Until Pascal or Arctic Islands arrive , and even then they probably will come out at Q4 2016 which is very long , not to mention they might be even more EXPENSIVE than the GTX 980 Ti here, but my knowledge is that transitioning to 16/14nm node is actually a cheaper process and hopefully they would be atleast 550 or 650 $ (and by that I mean high end like GTX 1080 like GTX 980 Ti).
-Crossfiring wont be an option for my 650 W Supernova G2
-NVIDIA S!@#Works (or any NVIDIA optimized games) will sabotage my performance on 390 and I would be forced to reduce quality of games to run it at 60+ FPS
-Freesync is only at 35-90Hz range

MSI GTX 980 Ti Gaming
-Ultra powerful card
-Will last me for a few years running games at max settings @1440p 60+ FPS
-Wont be needing to replace it atleast minimum 3 years
-Will benefit more from Gameworks

-Expensive (730 Euro)
-Will feel regret if Pascal would be cheaper but more powerful than this one
-Would have to game alot to feel my moneys worth if I buy it

Any additional Pros and Cons for these 2 GPU's are welcome from you guys.
Reading the cons if you buy the 390 youll still be narky when Pascal comes out so why not just get the Ti now and enjoy it
If you can afford the 980ti, I'd go with that one. If you don't want to spend the money, get the 390. Really up to you from there.
I have to agree with Tom here and these games you said you were going to play on another thread work better with Nvidia cards even WOW does so get the ti its a "no brainer" really don't worry about pascal otherwise when that comes out you will be left with the same scenario all over again what if the next generation knocks spots off what I bought ;)
Why not get the 390 as you already have a Freesync monitor, an grab a second down the line?