Real-Life Fallout Nuka Cola Quantum Announced


News Guru
Bethesda have just announced that Real-Life Fallout Nuka Cola Quantum will be available when Fallout 4 launches, but sadly only in the US.


Read more on Fallout 4's Beer and limited edition Nuka Cola.
Shame it's exclusive to the US. I would've definitely bought some if it were available outside the US. It looks oddly delicious imo! Same for the Fallout beer, but it's way too expensive imo.
Shame it's exclusive to the US. I would've definitely bought some if it were available outside the US. It looks oddly delicious imo! Same for the Fallout beer, but it's way too expensive imo.

Yeah, If the fallout beer were available in smaller quantities I'd be interested. £29.99 is a bit much for me.
Well, at least when the morons that be; nuke the planet and when / if gamers surface, we can feel a little nostalgic and right at home. ;-)
Haven't touched a drop since being put on the meds I'm on. So what, oooo, three years?

Can't say I miss it at all but when I did drink I always went for Carlsberg. I know there are stronger options out there but for me it wasn't about how inebriated I could get it was about the taste, and I loved Carlsberg.

Won't be bothering with any of this tbh. I've got my Pip Boy pre ordered, that'll do me.