Rampage V Boot fail Q Code 79


New member
I flashed my BIOS to latest version (was having problems with USB 3 ports) the flash itself was successful, however if I power it up from being switched off it boots fine but when I do a reset it hangs with a blank screen and shows 79 on the Q code readout.

I tried switching to BIOS 2 which had a old version and it done the same thing.

Q code 79 is in the manual as CSM initialization, which is something to do with UEFI I think.

Iv disabled fast boot and tried unplugging everything inside, just leaving the boot drive and im not getting anywhere with it. I have a feeling its something its something in the BIOS not set correctly.

Anyone offer any help or suggestions on this?
redo the BIOS flash using the Flashback port and button rather than through BIOS. It will do a full BIOS flash rather than an "Update"
Thanks for your reply. Iv done as you said, downloaded BIOS, renamed it R5E.CAP, put it in the flashback port and re-flashed it, I know it was successful as my BIOS settings where all back to default, boot sequence etc.

But still hangs on a reset with Q code 79 during a reset, it boots fine after I switch it off and on at the PSU.

I should have added on the original post that my cpu is at stock, I removed my over clock settings when I started to get boot issues.