Proof if you needed any...

So what do you propose we do? Go back to the days of Thatcher and a misguided sense of relevancy? We're not a world power any more and we can't achieve that through manufactoring sub-par goods.

Voting UKIP is not an option as far as I'm concerned. I don't trust Farage at all. He's a politician exactly like the rest except his candidates are even more dangerous.Personally I like being in the EU, despite me not exactly agreeing with most of it.

The EU is the new communism. What.

Welcome to the wonderful world of the UK Independence Party. They believe the EU is some communist (yes, communist) mega controlling thing that removed the UK's power (like we had massive amounts of power before...).

This is how they vote in the EU parliament, oh and if you give the wrong answer they will keep putting it through until they get the right answer.

Going by your signature I'm guessing you don't know the meaning of communism, It means for the community, For the people, Nigel Farage is another Eaton spin doctor.

And if you haven't already figured it out, UKIP is an off shoot of the conservative party and was setup to be just that, Nearly every major member of UKIP is an ex tory, Come election time the tories and UKIP will join to form a coalition party that is the point of UKIP, To get the ignorant to vote UKIP i.e New tory.

How so many people can't see through this I will never understand, Surely the English people can't be this dense ?
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How so many people can't see through this I will never understand, Surely the English people can't be this dense ?

Quite a few people are :/. Not to mention no one really cares about Politics in the UK and as such this means fringe parties get a bigger say in things.
Welcome to the wonderful world of the UK Independence Party. They believe the EU is some communist (yes, communist) mega controlling thing that removed the UK's power (like we had massive amounts of power before...).

It's the jews!

So basically UKIP = UK's NSDAP?
Pretty much yeah, You only need to look at UKIP supporters to know their intelligence level isn't on par with the rest of humanity.

I don't think that relates to intelligence. Hitler was definitely not stupid, else he wouldn't have achieved as much as he did.
Not standing up for UKIP here, just saying.
I don't think that relates to intelligence. Hitler was definitely not stupid, else he wouldn't have achieved as much as he did.
Not standing up for UKIP here, just saying.

We are talking about their supporters not the head people ;)

Ever been to a UKIP demo ? They are dumb, Very ignorant, Under educated, They talk complete and utter crap, They are the meaning of white trash otherwise known as scum.
We are talking about their supporters not the head people ;)

Ever been to a UKIP demo ? They are dumb, Very ignorant, Under educated, They talk complete and utter crap, They are the meaning of white trash otherwise known as scum.

Ah ye, we have those people running around as well, but they are voting for the NPD. Germany tried to shut down the NPD numerous times and the support is quite large, however it is conflicting with their basic human rights.
I don't think outlawing those people is the right thing either, it's better to have them all in one controlled space where they can't do anything stupid.
Ah ye, we have those people running around as well, but they are voting for the NPD. Germany tried to shut down the NPD numerous times and the support is quite large, however it is conflicting with their basic human rights.
I don't think outlawing those people is the right thing either, it's better to have them all in one controlled space where they can't do anything stupid.

Send them to Afganistan?