Project Cars 2 Monthly Hotlap Challenge June - July



Back by popular demand.. OK not too popular but we're going to do it anyway because we can and it's fun while we're all suffering with the Covid blues. So here we are but now we're going with PCars 2 just because we did the first game to death and the sequel is just that bit better and if I'm honest a little harder. So everyone have at it and lets see what you got.

The rules are simple,

Use the car and track chosen for the challenge and post your times in the thread as a screen shot of the in game leader board, it's that simple. All valid times will be added to the main Lap Times board.

Your challenge for the month of June is as follows I know we're a little early but gives us more time, Ruapuna Park Club with the 2016 Olsbergs MSE RX Supercar Lite.


looz - 1:02:880
tgrech - 1:03:275
SPS - 1:03.320
Warchild - 1:03:653
trawetSluaP - 1:04:783
Daiyus - 1:05:827
FTNL - 1:08:847
Greenback - 1:09:853
Wraith - 1:10:722
Jimma47 - 0:00:000
Dayvurd - 0:00.000
Korreborg - 0:00.000
Bonkers Mental - 0:00:000
Russler - 0:00:000


For those that need validation of their place on the leaderboard check >>HERE<<

Best of luck and lets see who will be top by the end of June, stay safe and floor it.
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You're welcome guys Top time for this is 1:02:300 I think we can nail it, I only did a quick 2 laps with a stock car no aids on controller, also looking to run a Forza Horizon 4 Camera Zone and Speed trap thread too. Might be a tricky one to police though as too many glitches but still could be a laugh, we'll talk on discord about it later this evening.
Need screenshots guys, we can use the external leaderboards but for validation a screenie is much prefered as we don't all use our forum names in everything.
Are you allowed to run over the director when he says your time is invalidated after you knock 3 seconds off and just go a little wide on the last corner
had a short stint last night. Couldn't quite beat SPS. Something is wrong with my wheel though. Steering shakes like real life wheel balancing is going on. Havent used it in months so I guess I need to set the deadzones all over again.

That third bend though... brutal.
man i just had the ultimate corner taken to perfection, and now I cant even get close to my own time. That fast left turn... I get everything else spot on, but just cant nail that apex right.
Good job man! Hoping to get another go today at some point, I think one of us could get top spot.
Good job man! Hoping to get another go today at some point, I think one of us could get top spot.

Definately. Once I switch to Manual and start tuning i think it will be easy. Likewise with you.

I improve every corner easily enough... but never all in the same lap haha.

Perhaps you can read the future Wraith, but I haven't quite got that time yet. its 1:03.653
Unless you just predicted my time for this weekend? :)