Problem with MSI 780 SLI


New member
Hi guys, before I contact MSI support I thought I'd run this one past you in case It was something silly. Dealing with their RMA team was a slow pain.

I have had nothing but problems with these MSI 780's. The first card I bought had a problem with the fans making a grinding noise 11-12 months after purchase and the second card that I bought stopped working all together, again, just before the warranty ran out (lucky). The first card was replaced and everything was OK, the second card was replaced and all was well for almost a month until it stopped working again. After receiving yet another replacement all has been well for the last 7 months until recently where I am unable to run games with SLI enabled. The nvidia driver just crashes.

I have done no flashing and no overclocking. These cards have been ran completely stock.

I have done a complete fresh install of Windows and also tried different nvidia drivers, but everything I've tried has yielded the same results.

If I disable SLI my games run fine. If I enable SLI and run in fullscreen windowed, I get poor FPS and stuttering. Fullscreen with SLI causes the driver to crash and my PC to lock up.

Does anybody have any ideas? I appreciate any input.

I would run them one at a time. Sounds like one is fudged.

Thanks for the reply.
Forgot to mention that I've done this already. Both posted and ran games fine when the other was removed, just like when both are installed with SLI disabled.

Very strange. Your sig doesn't mention your PSU. Which model do you have? how old is it? have you tested it?
Very strange. Your sig doesn't mention your PSU. Which model do you have? how old is it? have you tested it?

I have an EVGA 750 G2. It was purchased around 7 months or so ago... I think. It's not old.


EDIT: Here is a video in case the graphical glitch gives anyone any clues to the problem. The black screen after is where the PC locks up. If I wait a few mins the driver might "recover", but normally I have to hard reset...
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Hmm cutting it close but if it worked before it should therefore work now.

Try rolling back the driver?
Hmm cutting it close but if it worked before it should therefore work now.

Try rolling back the driver?

Before purchasing the PSU I used some online PSU calculators which told me I needed like 5-600 W and recommended a 650. I went for the 750 in case I wanted to add drives or liquid cooling etc.

I've tried several different nvidia drivers dating back to when it was running problem free.


EDIT: I have found this here (check best solution)

If I open dxdiag I can see 11186MB under "Aprox. Total memory". Is this a similar problem maybe?
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