PCPartpicker Gets Massive Update


New member
Opening up PCPartpicker to plan a new build is going to be a whole new experience from now on. It was already one of the best methods to pick and choose components, compare prices, and share finished builds, but the boys over there have clearly stepped up their game. Lets have a look at what they have brought us.

1) Build Guides

No, not just published by their staff, everyone can create and share build guides now. We are already starting to see a larger variety of builds as opposed to the meagre six guides we had before.


2) Parts Sorted By Popularity

Everyone remembers spending half of their time going through search filters to find decent parts... This is an update that I'm sure everyone is glad to recieve. Look at those motherboards, so helfpully sorted.


3) Sorting Those Saved Builds

Alright, the previous system was downright terrible, having to click "move up" or "move down" if you ever wanted to sort your builds. This new version looks great and will certainly save some of your valuable time. Also, take no notice of my slightly stranglely named builds.


4) Did I mention that the entire site looks amazing?


If you want some more details on the updates, this is what Philip from PCPartpicker had to say.


Site look and feel: First and foremost, you'll notice a massive change in the appearance of the site. This is the first fruit of bringing on board our design lead Phil Coffman.

Site performance: We massively improved the performance of part selection pages. You should notice a difference immediately. We made not just the backend server processing but also the page load and rendering times significantly.

Part sorting: Part categories are now default sorted by popularity. We aggregate a significant amount of usage data that we then use to determine this ordering. What you'll find is that the parts you most commonly want will be right at the top (or close). We've been doing this on the mobile version since its release last May and decided to roll it out to the desktop version as well.

Part price filter: You've been asking for this for a while, and we heard you! You can now filter parts, completed builds, and build guides by price.

Build guides: Up until now only staff could publish PCPartPicker build guides. We've opened it up now so that anyone can create and publish a guide. You can also view other guides, as well as vote and comment on them. Feel like you have the best idea for an Intel or AMD based build? Create your guide!

User avatars: On comments and user pages, you can now have your own avatar. Just go to your profile page and upload your own profile image.

Build tags: Initially just for build guides, we'll be rolling out tagging support for completed builds soon too.

Sortable saved builds: We've totally revamped how saved and completed builds are displayed in your profile. You can now easily sort saved builds, completed builds, and your build guides. We have a few more improvements slated for this area, so stay tuned!

Ability to reorder completed build images: Now you can reorder your completed build images however you would like. We'll pull the first three images in the set and use those for the thumbnails when viewing the list of completed builds.


Thanks for reading guys ;)
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Looks like a beast man. I hope you post a build log ;)

Yeah lots of people were saying that they preferred the old layout, but then again, many more said they preferred the new one :p

Isn't it like the iOS's on iPhones?... you most likely always prefer the older one, but you get used to the new one, cause you have to hehe :p
Ow my eyes.

Yeah way to go ruin a functional website. I'm normally one for change but I really liked how functional the old one was..