PC case MOD stuck


New member
Scratch Build PC case stuck

I'm trying to design a new case MOD a design i have not yet seen done on my travels of the tinter web. I am a little stuck on the design i am currently using sketchup which i am new to. if any one could help i would be very grateful.

so far i have got to this stage.

if you need the save file and wish to help a clueless idiot let me know.

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Do you have an idea and now you need help drawing it in SketchUp or do you want suggestion on what to change?
I assume it's a scartch build, not a mod based on an existing case
yeah it's a scratch build i should of said.

i need help i have the idea in my head and on a scrap of paper i just can't put it together on sketchup

Do you have an idea and now you need help drawing it in SketchUp or do you want suggestion on what to change?
I assume it's a scartch build, not a mod based on an existing case
My advice for you using Sketchup is to spend a few hours doing the tutorials beforehand, it will pay huge dividends for you later. Also go on to their 3D Warehouse and download a few models and muck about with them. You'll also be able to get ready made models of many PC components so you don't have to spend time creating them but - double check the dimensions of them with a physical piece if you can!

One tip I would give is to assign your middle mouse button to orbit view so you can quickly sweep around your model, you'll be amazed and how often you'll do this.
its only a top down view if thats ok if you need a side view i can scribble 1

2-3 different views would be nice to draw a model, but as Mysterae said, if you do a few tutorials and mess around with existing models SketchUp is really easy to learn.
ive used it before even did the tutorial just never could get the grasp of it that's sorta why i'm still a noob to sketchup i gave up with it but i decided to try again and yeah still don't have a clue how to use it.

Posts merged - Please do not double post

here's my sketch of sort, of how i want it to look. I aint the best artist as you can see

2-3 different views would be nice to draw a model, but as Mysterae said, if you do a few tutorials and mess around with existing models SketchUp is really easy to learn.
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Its looks like a 'corner' case but youve not thought about wires coming out of the back and airflow, so you couldnt push it into the corner of a room....

Also you couldnt have 2x 120mm fans above the PCI brackets without having a huge gap above the motherboard....

You should try drawing your sketch to scale and youll see
Yet again it's me not stating.

Yes it is a corner piece but I was thinking of using it as a section to a desk. My drawing is not very good I know and neither is my scaling. The desk top would have a 2inch over hang on the back and a 1 inch over hang from the front.

Its looks like a 'corner' case but youve not thought about wires coming out of the back and airflow, so you couldnt push it into the corner of a room....

Also you couldnt have 2x 120mm fans above the PCI brackets without having a huge gap above the motherboard....

You should try drawing your sketch to scale and youll see
well it's been awhile since i last posted on here but life must go on.

it's time i must start gathering materials for my build, firstly i need to thank MadMarc for helping design the case for me as at the time i had no clue how to use SketchUp. I finally figured it out and add the remainder of the desk to the build all i need that is left to do is add a front mounted usb shroud and a disk drive somewhere.

the hardware i will be using is my current hardware as i cant afford nor justify buying new hardware at the moment.


  • desk2.jpg
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Glad your on your way. If you want to know what is possible if you just stick with Sketchup, have a look at my build parallel HEX (link in sig).

There are a few issues that I can see with your design, I hope you don't mind some constructive criticism:

1. The airflow looks woefully imbalanced and inadequate. You have a fan on the PSU which will be drawing down on it's components and effectively extracting out the back of the case.
2. I only see one other fan, presumably an intake. I'd want better airflow over the motherboard and rear of the graphics card.
3. Where does the radiator get it's cooler air from? I don't see any other vents or air holes near or opposite to it.
4. If the radiator is extracting, you're going to get a bit of a warm right leg.
5. Check the angle of the window the panel - it's difficult to tell from the images but I think the back edge (and possibly power cables) of the video card are fowling it.
6. Not sure how you intend to fix the panel with the window on it, but make easy to take off and put back on.
7. As you are watercooling it, be prepared for a bit of a ball ache when installing. It won't be easy to tilt your case to get any stubborn air bubbles out, and have you any thought about how you'll drain it?
8. I don't see any hard drives fitted.
9. Don't try and make your own motherboard rear IO mounting plate; buy a real cheap case and strip it/dremel it for one. A £20 quid case will save you a lot of grief.
10. You panels don't have any physical depth to them, unless you are intending to make the panels out out paper :).

It's a lot of work for something that's going to be hidden under your desk, but go for it, you'll learn a lot.
There are a few issues that I can see with your design, I hope you don't mind some constructive criticism

Constructive criticism is welcomed and I really need to start explaining better when I post on here.

to go over your points

1/2. airflow. the images are not of a clear detail the front of of the case will be made with acrylic and wire mesh there will be more inlet and exhaust fans in the case than already shown this was just a rough idea to get a visual of what it looks like.

3/4. the radiator and the PSU areas will be constructed with white wire mesh small enough to hide the visual of the PSU and radiator but larger enough to let a substantial amount of air through them, there will be hopefully 3 120mm fans behind the radiator to bring in cooler air for the motherboard, there will also be exhaust fans on the rear or side of the case for both the PSU and radiator. I may even swap locations of the radiator and the intake fans.

5. the case design was designed to fit around the case so i believe they should fit but until i can make a mock-up I will not know.

6. i never really thought about how i was going to attach the front panel but as you have bought it up I've been sat here thinking and i sort of like the idea of keeping everything smooth and simple and maybe using some kind of popper idea like you would find on a coat or jacket.

7. drainage i thought a lot on the idea. Shoot me down if it wouldn't work. Which would be to outlet pipe to it for drainage put a t connector on to the return line back to the reservoir which would have a outlet pipe connected to it for easy drainage.

8. hard drives will be mounted in theory behind the motherboard in the raised step section the mother board sits on.

9. i have a few spare case already in my possession to use as well let call them surrogates for now.

10. i had the case design done by MadMarc who i thought did a good job. yes the panels need depth but that wasn't what I wanted at the time I just wanted my idea to be put into shape, Something 3D I could use to visualise my idea instead of making a full sized mock-up.

like I said criticism is welcomed and as far as I'm concerned it will help make my design better than I wanted it to be.

So please don't take my replies back to your criticism as me just ignoring it i take everything on-board as this is the only forum i find that you can be new or old dumb or smart to computers and still be accepted unlike others i have been on.
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Glad the advice has been taken in the manner it was intended podgebald.

You've considered the areas I've raised and sounds like you have them covered :). It's best to get building as soon as you can. Like I said before, you can design until your heart's content but it's not until you make something physical that you encounter the unforeseen.

Let us know if we can help any further.