NZXT's definition of budget


New member
My nephew came over last night raving about wanting a new build for Christmas, yes it's that time already, to play MGS V, the Phantom Pain, and pointed me towards a previous live stream from NZXT, and said " I want that one " that one being the budget build.

My problem being mis information regarding motherboards, NZXT were Doing 2 builds, a budget, and a one decided by Grid users specs, what they called supperior. In the budget build an Asus Formula 7 in at £274, hardly budget friendly, and in the averqage, a gigabyte Z97 SOC, in at £134, hardly supperior. The Formula is literally twice the price, plus a fiver.

The funniest thing is that about 3 minutes before, they both mentioned on one comment saying " The NZXT boy's now there hardware " :eek::eek::eek:, do they, maybe so, buy IMOH they dropped a glanger of a ball on this one. It looked like they went to vedors and said we are doing a red build, and an orange build can we have stuff to match.

My sister before nowing the price of the parts, said go and have a look online for some budget-average builds and we'll see, probably just to shut him up, but we all no, that we'll see, usually meens, " OK then you can have it " so he came to me all chuffed and happy, I didn't have the heart to tell him, that maybe this actual build won't happen, but I did warn his mum. So I get up this morning to a text full of words a 14 year old should not be using, the litlle shit turd. The things is now I'm the bad guy. I honestly think before doing videos that are going to reach God nows how many people they should re think the definition of budget, and supperior.
I agree that NZXT clearly paid zero attention to what they were doing, after reviewing the stream its clear money was not really their priority. Have you tried compiling a system in partpicker.
I'm good when it comes to picking parts mate, it was just the fact he had his heart set on that specific build, he is only just getting away from console's pat on the back for me, so when he saw a build in the case he wants for the game he wants to play, that's when the blinkers went on, in his head, that is what he has to have. I'm running a full loop, with crossfire 290's, and the one tantrum he had earlier, he said that mine probably can't play it.

The amount of crap that video has caused is unreal, his old man even popped over for upsetting his kid, it's bloody ridiculous. it done the job though a list has been made, and my sisters mother in law, is coming over in the morning with my nephew, oh and her credit card, and he is getting his build, even without it being Christmas, I've got a grand to play with, plus whatever he can swindle out of my sister, and now he wants the monitor early, that I promised to get him. Ha HA, not a chance in hell, he called me names, nasty names, the little shit turd.

I wonder if I kick and scream I can get an early Christmas present, any takers ? :D