New section for forum


New member
I was browsing around the other night and stumbled upon another forum that contains, what i consider, fun and interesting things. Now mind you I can't do many of the things they are doing but it's interesting all the same.

It is a forum for the vintage computer guy. All manners of old computing history that the few members keep in running order by various methods. I was wondering if the members here would go for a section dedicated to the "roots" of what we all build and enjoy today.

Just a suggestion to the powers that be. Keep the ball rolling here fellas, doing great!
I don't think it would be used much, so it'd just be wasted space. Cool idea nonetheless. If you want, you can create a thread in the off-topic section for whatever you want.
Not sure what section it would belong in. They talk about all different things but its related to the 286 and up. All DOS / Win 3.1 and up as well. Was just a thought since I saw TTL doing that Throwback Thursday idea awhile back.
as much as I love threads like these(on a certain other site),I doubt if they woud work on here,as most of the people on here are too young and have no idea or would be too dismissive of the efforts of some of us old timers(there are plenty on this site who do not even know of C2D or K8 for gods sake,never mind older)
as much as I love threads like these(on a certain other site),I doubt if they woud work on here,as most of the people on here are too young and have no idea or would be too dismissive of the efforts of some of us old timers(there are plenty on this site who do not even know of C2D or K8 for gods sake,never mind older)

We did do the Throw back Thursday thing but once everyone has thrown their pennies worth in, it's done with. I like to think back to the simpler days of Win 1, 2 & 3.1 and using DOS, hell I even from time to time get the old C64 out and surprise myself with how many commands I still remember.

I doubt if they woud work on here,as most of the people on here are too young
:huh: Not everyone :lol: I've been tinkering with PCs and tech since I was 9 that's nearly 25 years for me.
I have a c64 also Wraith. Posted pics of it somewhere on here lol. I own a mix of things from that to my I7-950 in my signature.

I have been tinkering on a Packard Bell Legend VI 286 =)

I am guessing its not welcome to post another forum here is it? It isnt a review site but still a comp related thing.
I don't get very excited by the old beige stuff but that era of semi-retro performance orientated madness like the Rampage I Extreme does something for me and I would welcome that to any part of OC3D! I wasn't into PC's before the P67 2600k times which isn't even that long ago so I don't really look back on anything. Still a build with any hardware is of great interest if the pride and taste is there, stick it in a normal rig gallery or build log. No need for another section, but it's got to be quality nicely presented material.

I do what I can with what I have, like most normal folk do.

I may add it to a log, along with my Dual PPro board I am working on, just for the nostalgia of it all.
I have a c64 also Wraith. Posted pics of it somewhere on here lol. I own a mix of things from that to my I7-950 in my signature.

I have been tinkering on a Packard Bell Legend VI 286 =)

I am guessing its not welcome to post another forum here is it? It isnt a review site but still a comp related thing.

Your both lucky buggers, my old man thought the C16 was better because it had a school bundle thrown in. At least it wasn't beige. Lol
The oldest hardware I have is an MSI MS-6905 cpu converter with a celeron and a ATI rage XL. I need to get me some old hardware to play around with at some point.
We did do the Throw back Thursday thing but once everyone has thrown their pennies worth in, it's done with. I like to think back to the simpler days of Win 1, 2 & 3.1 and using DOS, hell I even from time to time get the old C64 out and surprise myself with how many commands I still remember.

:huh: Not everyone :lol: I've been tinkering with PCs and tech since I was 9 that's nearly 25 years for me.

Surprised your C64 still works. Mine died long ago. My only link to the past now is Amiga Forever and c64 emulators for PC.

C64 and my passion for all the old dizzy games brings a tear to my eyes :sad:
Surprised your C64 still works. Mine died long ago. My only link to the past now is Amiga Forever and c64 emulators for PC.

C64 and my passion for all the old dizzy games brings a tear to my eyes :sad:
Did you check the internal fuse?? They always blew where the power input was, could also be the 555 SID Audio Timer chip that's cracked. ;)