New pc problem


New member
I just build a new pc spec are :

Intel 3930k
Asus Rampage Extreme 4
16gb OF RAM
R9 290x x3
Corsair 780 t
corsair 1500wi
All watercooled

It is complete stock no overclocks on anything and the first problem is the pc is only reading 12 gb of ram when it is a 16gb kit in it abd all dimm are read there in the bois

Second problem blue screening i did a 10 min run of OCCT to check temp and it blue screen when i restarted the pc i got screen tearing and radom freezing 3 in 24 hours

slow to load programme

any idea ?
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swap around and reseat, check CPU block, and also GPU blocks, to me the blue screen sounds like heat issue and the memory, one of either speed clashing or just needs a wiggle or 2.

I assume I am right in thinking its a 4x4 memory kit? was the bought in matched pairs or matched quad kit?
to get windows to use/show all ram just go to run command, type msconfig, be careful in here as this controls your boot.ini and other important stuff. What you're after is the boot tab, select your main OS click advanced options... and just tick maximum memory, then just ok ok save save etc. and reset when prompted. this will force system to boot with amount you set, you can set cpu cores in here as well but that's not needed since all cores will be active but might be parked by os elsewhere.

good luck with sorting your bsod issues but it doesnt sound like instability issue, make sure you have all drivers upto date, that you don't have any motherboard software auto overclocking etc or eco functions enabled.
Right i check the temp on the CPU and GPUs and under a games full the cpu never going over 55c and the gpu never go above 60c

The i check the stick this morning this all work in a other computer and i think i think i have a bad dimm slot on the motherboard the ram stick shown it the bois but when you load into windows 4 gb is missing

Could had cause the crash i have been having ( no it is not just crash this morning )

Try a OCCT cpu run with only 0500 mb ram usage and it crash in like 2 mins

Up date computer does not even make window blue screen
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i have change the ram stick into all weird slot and it is run now with a 4.6 and 1.300v on the core it the bois and 2400mhz with all 16gb showing

when you set the volt in the bois can it go higher ? just cpuz is reading 1.336v
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