ok finally started the painting process on the desk. this has reminded me how much i love to paint MDF, not
finished up the filler work and repaired some small knocks the desk had taken to.
the top cover had a small knock to one corner so got that filled up
the bottom edge that the desk sits on was rather wavy so filled that up to
the right hand side seating are had a lot of fibres missing on the edge grain, this would be covered by the pc area lid when shut but you would be able to see it when open so i needed to fix it
filler work completed but rather dusty
then primer to seal the surface up and make it all one colour so i could check for anything i may have missed
flated the primer back and found a few odd pin holes and small marks that needed sorting out
final coat of primer of the pc area and first coat of primer on the outside of the lid
threw some guide coat on the desk and lid ready for flatting back
masking up ready for a change of primer colour
well thats two days worth of sanding and painting