Netflix Reduces Data Consumption By 20 Percent by Re-encoding their entire Library


News Guru
Netflix Reduces their Data Consumption By 20 Percent by Re-encoding their entire Library. Who has a happy data cap right now?


Read more on Netflix reducing their data consumption by 20% with no drop in visual quality.
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We will be waiting another 10 years for the NBN lol

I'm on it (after 12 months of using wireless dongles because it's a new complex and no adsl) and loving it. However it's not that much faster unless you pay extra for a speed boost which is rubbish imo. it's like they slow down your internet and then you have to pay to unlock it.

I don't use Netflix because I'm on a 100gb plan so it's cheap. I PLEX my library to my lounge/bedroom tv and the only benefit of Netflix would be 4k content.

In saying that - my TV's can't see the difference as they're 1080. Still any reduction in size could sway me to look at Netflix again but until they release all their content over here it's no good. Everything decent was locked in to licencing contracts for pay tv.

edit - or I could VPN and get a US account but CBF TBH
Just curuious, what kind of speeds are you getting? Literally the next street over from my investment properties there is NBN. I wouldnt be so ed if it was just one or two... So damn annoying.
Wow... Just wow. Suddenly feel like making a DIY EMP. Already know where you live after all :D

Come back to ADSL2!!

Lol I cant believe I juat thought of this but.

Come back to the dark side (if you catch the terrible humor)

Then again I havent actually watched any of the star wars series unless of course you count Family Guy.

Those speeds though. I still stuck in ADSL2 with telstra barely 1MB/s most of the time. 2MB/s tops if at a good time. Paying $150 a month. Though I do get 1TB now. Still better than most I guess.
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